In-House Counsel, An Attractive Alternative?

Greg Yates
Professional Prosperity


The first alternative for many lawyers who have decided that practicing in a firm is not the way for them to find success, prosperity, and personal fulfillment is to consider moving to an in-house counsel position.

I worked as an in-house counsel for three years. It was a great experience and lead to many lasting relationships and future business. That job propelled me to equity partnerships in 2 Am Law 100 firms. But, the hours were every bit as long as in Big Law. And, the stress was just as high.

What To Focus On Before You Consider An In-House Counsel Position

It is imperative for a lawyer to realize their strengths, passions, and interests. They must also have a vision of their ideal career path before they consider whether an in-house position will be the next step on their career path. A lawyer with little interest in business or in working as part of a team to achieve business goals will not be happy or successful in most in-house counsel positions. A lawyer focused on how law fits into the bigger picture of business objectives and strategy will be happier and more successful as in-house counsel than in a law firm.

Knowing your priorities is also critical before considering an in-house counsel position. It is not enough to realize you are unhappy and unfulfilled in your current position. You need to examine why, and what you can change so you can follow a career path to more success, prosperity, and personal…



Greg Yates
Professional Prosperity

I show professionals how to find the perfect job, career & life, including side hustles & multiple income streams. More info