Fire in His Bones

The necessity of passion for success is overrated

4 attributes that are stronger — the 1st

Bill Belew
Professional Speaker’s Pool
2 min readDec 2, 2013


I have heard far too many times from other professional speakers, (throw in writers and entrepreneurs, too) ‘First, you need to find your passion.’

I disagree.

Passion is important. It helps to love what you are doing. But it is not the most important. It’s not even in the top 5 for me.

The ‘fires of passion’ will flicker, even burn out and find themselves needing to be rekindled at times or too often replaced. Passion is not the strongest nor the most desirable of traits needed to succeed in a presentation, to connect with your audience, or even to launch your company.

I know several motivators that are stronger than passion. And here is the first — hunger.

You gotta eat. And if you have a family, so do they. You gotta do what you gotta do to provide for those you love and who depend on you.

It helps to be passionate about the job you are doing, that is feeding you and your family, but it certainly is not a prerequisite.

Hunger will wake you up, get you to do something, to stay with that something long after the passion is gone or at least until the fire returns.

Tell me, if not hunger, then what keeps you going when you really don’t feel like continuing?

