The New Age Plastic

Biodegradable plastic needs to have more coverage!

Mason Lord
Professional Writing Collaborative
4 min readDec 14, 2022


Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

One of the biggest problems we face today is the plastic pollution pandemic.

The Anthropocene era signifies the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on the environment.

Plastic is such a problem now that it is a key indicator for the Anthropocene era as we now have plastic forming in our rocks, simply because it is so widely dispersed across the globe.

If only there was a way to still have the versatile use of plastic, but not have the negative environmental impacts.

The future of plastic is here!

Biodegradable plastic is a form of plastic that is designed to decompose naturally under the action of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae. This type of plastic is made from renewable materials such as cornstarch, vegetable oils, or plant-based polymers.

Biodegradable plastic is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastic. Plant biomass is an abundant, renewable material that can be used to create biodegradable plastic for a variety of applications.

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

These materials are combined with additives such as enzymes or other chemicals to make it biodegradable. Once the material has broken down, it can be absorbed back into the environment, leaving little to no toxic residue or pollutants behind.

Altogether they can be used to create a variety of products, from packaging and food containers to water bottles and shopping bags.

Economic benefit

This can greatly help businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and meet their sustainability goals.

It is not okay for businesses to be on the sidelines anymore with the green revolution so this is a great way for them to get a head start

Biodegradable plastic can also help businesses to reduce their waste management costs, as they do not need to pay for the disposal of the plastic.

Everybody is concerned about how they can reduce costs and this is a great incentive for them to do so, and more investing is needed in this industry.

Additionally, biodegradable plastic can help businesses to gain a positive reputation in the marketplace, as customers look favorably upon businesses that are taking steps to reduce their environmental impact.

Biodegradable plastic is typically more expensive than traditional plastic due to the additional cost of producing biodegradable materials.

However, the cost of biodegradable plastic is decreasing as more companies are using this type of material.

Additionally, the cost of biodegradable plastic is offset by the fact that it eliminates the need for costly disposal methods.

Job opportunities

The economy has been in trouble recently and a lot of people are losing jobs that were in the fossil fuel industry.

Coal plants have not been constructed in the US since 2014 and this industry is in a rapid decline.

Biodegradable plastic can recreate these jobs in the manufacturing sector, which can help stimulate the economy in numerous ways.

Farmers will also be heavily impacted as their demand for corn and wheat will rise and allow them to become successful as well.

Additionally, biodegradable plastic can be used to cover soil to prevent evaporation and help retain moisture, leading to a better crop yield.

It can also be used in the production of compost, which can provide valuable nutrients to the soil and help to boost crop yields.


Despite the many benefits of biodegradable plastic, the technology is still relatively new and expensive.

This means that businesses and farmers may be reluctant to invest in the technology, as the costs could outweigh the benefits.

Additionally, the technology is still being developed, and there may be some issues that need to be addressed before it is widely adopted.

Therefore, more research and development needs to be done in order to make biodegradable plastic more affordable and accessible.

What can we do?

  1. Research and develop new types of biodegradable plastics such as starch-based plastics, polylactic acid (PLA), and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs).
  2. Lobby for legislation that would mandate the use of biodegradable plastics in certain industries and affordable for the general public
  3. Educate the public on the importance of using biodegradable plastics and the consequences of using traditional plastics.
  4. Support research into improving the biodegradable plastic production process.
  5. Create incentives for companies to switch to biodegradable plastics.
  6. Advocate for the implementation of waste management systems that are designed to deal with biodegradable plastics.
  7. Work with local governments to create recycling and composting programs that are designed to recycle biodegradable plastics.
  8. Partner with NGOs and companies to increase awareness of the benefits of biodegradable plastics.


It is possible to switch over to biodegradable plastic but it might be a little expensive to do right now.

The benefits will definitely outweigh the costs as the environmental impact will be significantly different.

The opportunity for businesses will also be a huge incentive to move towards the bioplastic age, as it can help tremendously with waste costs and will look better to a public audience.

