A Writer?

Hannah Abshire
Professions in Writing
2 min readFeb 23, 2017

Before pursuing a degree in writing, I would have never considered myself as a writer. What makes someone a writer? I don’t think I ever thought about a career in writing because I was always told that I would be unhappy and poor. Now, I have learned that they just didn’t know how every job involves writing, which technically makes anyone who knows how to write, a writer. Most people write every day, maybe not for pleasure but, for a purpose. For me, the purpose could be just for the sake of feeling how the pen glides between the lines and somehow brings my thoughts to life. Sometimes I write for an assignment like I am now. I currently work in the grill at a bowling alley and even there, I’ve learned that a big part of my job involves written language.

Every week, part of my job requires me to check each storage area within the kitchen and write down what inventory we need for the next week. We also have a big white board for employees to write notes to remind everyone of important events or rules. Without written language, I would never have a day off! To ask off, an employee must fill out the “Request” form and sign it. Another part of my job requires me to write the details for parties and other events if they purchased food. If those parties and events ordered from the catering category, then I am the one who writes the specific instructions depending on what the customer ordered. In the grill, whoever takes the orders uses a computer with buttons, but we still need to write whether the customer order a “crinkle cut” or “regular” french fry.

I’m sure my current job isn’t the only one that requires their employees to write and I certainly don’t want to work at the bowling alley forever. Now that I know how much writing is involved in even the simplest jobs, I want to continue growing as a writer and strengthen my skills. I hope one day my writing is found in my own books, but until then, I’m happy writing for whatever job I’m given.

