Alex Caldwell
Professions in Writing
2 min readFeb 24, 2017


Actually Sitting Down and Writing

I really enjoy writing. I constantly have ideas swimming through my mind about new things to write. But sitting down and actually writing? That’s something that I struggle with. It’s been weeks, probably almost months, since I last wrote creatively just for me. I think a decent a portion of it is writer’s block, but I think at this point it’s a bit more than that.

I could possible chalk it up to laziness, and that’s definitely a factor, but I think the main reason why I struggle to sit down and write is that I have a hard time working if I don’t know exactly what I want to write before I write it. There have been times when I’ve been suddenly struck with inspiration and I can crank out a poem without thinking of lines beforehand, but for the most part I like to have my work pre-planned. There is a sense of writer’s block when I’m thinking of ideas for stories and novels. I’ll have things that I think are perfect for the story, but I can’t think of how to connect them, or a central driving plot. When this happens, I can’t even write the parts that are clear. I’d like to say that I can let the story write itself, but a lot of times I have problems letting it do that.

I feel as if this is a common problem that many writers struggle with. It is something that can you can overcome, but it can be rough to sit down and just think creatively and do nothing else. Especially when nothing comes to you. I hope that in the future I can get over this problem, and actually sit down and write.

