Who Do You Want to Be?

Hannah Abshire
Professions in Writing
2 min readJan 27, 2017

Recently, I applied for the Disney College Program, which required me to fill out a basic information forum, attach a resume and a cover letter. The next day, I received a follow-up email that informed me to complete the web-based interview, which determined my acceptance. This interview consisted of questions such as, “Do you enjoy spending time with a lot of people,” and “Would you say you are the hardest worker at your job?” To answer, you had to choose disagree, neutral, or agree, which I believe isn’t an accurate scale because those types of questions often depend on the situation, or someone’s current state of mind. So, I often went with neutral as my choice.

Immediately after I finished the web-based interview, Google notified me that I had a new email from the program. It read that based on my web-based interview, I was not qualified for any roles at the Disney College Program during this particular time and to wait 6 months before reapplying. For me, this was an outrage. How could I not be qualified? What are the qualifications? How could they have even reviewed my application that fast? I emailed those questions to the contact email that was listed for the program because obviously something had to be wrong. I also took my questions to Facebook since I have plenty of friends who have completed the Disney College Program and some that are currently in session with the program. I have yet to receive an email back from the program, but I did get a help from a friend who has done the program multiple times. They concluded that I probably failed the web-based interview because I clicked neutral too much, which did make me feel a little better.

At the same time, I felt disappointed in the company that I love so much because I thought they would have taken more consideration in the applicants that apply to this program. They probably didn’t even read my resume or cover letter that I spent hours editing and reediting. In my opinion, the web-based interview (at least the one this program uses) is pointless and scary because anyone can get in if they lie. I know The Walt Disney Company has more than enough money and staff that could improve this process.

