Writer’s Block

James Sanders
Professions in Writing
2 min readApr 28, 2017

I couldn’t think of a good story to write for this essay, so I decided to try some various suggestions from the following article on how to overcome writer’s block.


The first suggestion is to step away from writing and do something creative.

I just drew a beautiful picture of a boy fishing in a stream. I’m back now.

Still nothing…

The next suggestion is to do some freewriting every day.

I guess now is a good day to start. I wish I had more time to free write. Too bad I have other homework to do and tests to study for. Next tip, please.

The article suggests that I move my body.

They suggest dancing, tai chi, or yoga. I just perfected how to do the downward dog. I’ve always wanted to try yoga.

Next, the article suggests eliminating distractions.

I just turned off my phone and turned spotify off. Still no breakthrough ideas for this essay…

The next tip is to write early in the morning.

Too bad this essay is due tonight. I’ll have to try another time.

Next the article suggests writing while you sleep.

The author says that if he gets stuck before bed, he sleeps on it, and usually wakes up with a solution. Sleep sounds good.

The final suggestion is to talk to a glass of water and then drink half of it.

Seriously, read the article. The author tells the glass of water what he wants to do (i.e. write the next chapter), drinks half of it, and then goes to bed. Bed sounds good.

Good night medium. I guess this will have to do as my essay.

