Writing Creatively

Alex Caldwell
Professions in Writing
2 min readJan 31, 2017

So, it’s no secret that I love to write. That’s probably why I’m a WRD major. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been writing stories. Of course, the ones that I wrote when I was, say, 10 are absolute garbage. At the time though, they meant something to me. And the writing that I do today means even more to me. See, what I want most in life is to be a writer. But writing alone won’t pay the bills. Much of what we’ve talked about in class so far is more on the technical side of writing. This is where my dilemma comes in. Technical writing has never interested me in any way. When I say, “I want to be a writer,” what I’m really saying is, “I want to be an author.” I want to write short stories. I want to write books. I want to write poems. To me, this is how I express myself creatively. And honestly, this is what I want to do with my life.

Now, I’m next to clueless as to how the industry works. I’ve looked up how to publish short stories, and I’ve got a few lined up that I want to submit to some magazines. Hopefully, getting my foot in the door doing that will expose me to how it all works. My end goal is a series of books. I have no idea how to get a book published. And even if I did, that doesn’t guarantee that I’ll actually get published. It’s scary. To know that what you want most in life may not happen. But even if I didn’t get published, I’d keep writing. Like I said, it’s how I express myself creatively. I think that anyone who has any interest in it at all should write. It’s good for you.

In this class, I’m really hoping to gain a better understanding of how all of this works. Publishing, getting paid to write, all that stuff. So I have an express interest in the creative aspect and also the money aspect. Because who wouldn’t want to get paid to do what they love?

