Why a different CRM?

Iulian Margeloiu


Do you struggle more with using a CRM rather than giving attention to your business? Do you feel overwhelmed by the waggon of settings in your CRM ?

We do. And we’re not the only ones that think it should be different. A CRM should be built for people like us, not for big (bureaucratic) corporations with thousands of employees that worked over 10 years with the same application and can’t move forward.

So what did we do ? Instead of just staying and looking how you struggle, we took attitude and build an easy to use CRM.

And what about the name? We loved ProfiCRM because it’s made for professionals, just like you.

You won’t need an user manual to use this CRM

Our small development company begun building the CRM for an industrial equipment distributor in S-E Europe. The CEO had was having issues with the visibility and activity of their sales agents. They tried many CRM-type solutions but were impractical to use, having hundreds of buttons that nobody knew how to use. And guess the result ? It pissed off the sales agents and they refused to use them anymore. (‘it’s too hard to use’, ‘sorry boss, forgot how to...’)

That’s the story behind the product. Easy to use but still professional. Now, if you ask the CEO and the same sales agents they can’t believe that a CRM can actually make their life easier. Just ask them :)

You need something truly affordable, that doesn’t cut on features

Honestly, why do CRM companies charge you 1000$ to install it ? That should not exist, ever. When a customer decides to embrace a product, he should be greeted with open arms. Isn’t this how you’d treat your customers ?

You deserve live support when you need it

How much time did you waste last time you needed support ? We wasted a lot, and that should remain a thing of the past. We all deserve a better service that appreciates our precious time.

We had a look at competing CRMs, there is rarely a chat-box in the web-app. You know…the product, the place that people use every day? Live help is mostly available on the website, until you buy. After you give them the money, you have to write them emails just to answer a simple question like: ‘can I filter my contacts by area?’. Don’t you think our decision to offer live-chat support actually makes sense?

Your team should actually use the CRM (and not just when you tell them to)

We’ve worked together with CEOs, sales agents, marketing people and just about every role in the company. They all wanted a very simple tool that will show only stuff that’s relevant to each one of them. You decide in detail who has access to orders, contacts, documents, opportunities or reporting. A sales agent will only see his area, a secretary will only see contacts and orders , and you will have full access. Private data is kept safe and your people will actually use the app.

Our mission is to empower small business owners with similar tools that big companies use, but friendlier and at a fraction of the price. What is the biggest challenge you currently face with the tools you use to run your business?

