Enterprise IT Management Software. Organizer Case study

Organizer is an Enterprise IT Management Software that connects employers with employees and automates and simplifies information flow.

  1. About the project

Organizer is an internal management system for IT. The main goal of this project was to automate and simplify information flow between employers and HR departments and to collect data about social matters.

2. Challenge


Collecting information about internal matters of the employers can be problematic and tedious, especially with numerous people in the company. Additionally, employers may not have enough time to put information into Organizer systematically. Another problem is that information significant to employers should be available and accessible for an unlimited time.

  • Problem with collecting information systematically and from numerous people
  • Problem with finding time to add information systematically
  • Problem with access to information that should be available all the time


Making the design intuitive and user-friendly, as well as making it easy to add and access information quickly. A new design that shows the most important widgets up front and makes them available at all times.

  • A new, user-friendly design that facilitates collecting information from numerous people
  • Making it less time-consuming to add information
  • A new design that shows all of the important information and the most crucial widgets upfront


To create a fully functional and automatic internal management system

To achieve our goals and solve the problems mentioned above we had to focus on creating an effective automated internal management system that would enable employers to collect data and present it to employees in a well-organized manner. The new design had to be intuitive and efficient both for the employer and employees.

Main features

  1. A statement of profits and costs with charts and division into time periods
  2. Leave and remote work management integrated with Google Calendar
  3. Time tracking module along with generating reports
  4. Support for payroll settlement with the possibility of including access cards to sports facilities, medical care, and catering

3. Design Process

4. Context Study

To make the design more user-friendly, we had to learn which Organizer features are the most crucial for our users. That’s why we created a Context Study. Among other things, we asked 60+ employees which widgets they thought were the most important, which ones they used daily, and which ones they didn’t use at all. We also showed them our new widgets and asked what they thought about the new design. Below you’ll find the results of the survey.

User testing

What do you think about adding a calendar widget to the dashboard? It’d show you vacations, remote days, weekends, national holidays, etc. Would you find it useful?

“Yes, looks awesome. I like the idea of showing vacation, remote days, and national holidays. Also those monthly stats in the right bottom corner are really interesting.”

“Yes, very useful, great idea!”

“I believe it would be useful, but I would prefer some less space-consuming version.”


The most needed features are vacation days left, upcoming requests, and social balance, so there needs to be easy access to them and they should be on the top of the information hierarchy. The least needed features are bonuses, thanks received, and latest requests, so they are additional and can be hidden in a dropdown or take less space than the main features on a dashboard.

5. User Personas

6. Site Map

Site map of every subpage and feature in Organizer.

7. Low Fidelity Design

Low fidelity design for desktop and mobile versions of the app.

8. High fidelity design

High fidelity design for desktop and mobile versions of the app.

  • User Dashboard
  • Catering
  • Time tracking
  • Social
  • Requests

9. Design System

