How Profila Solves Big Challenges for Small Businesses

Profila enables SMBs to maintain a private, personalized relationship with customers, just like in a physical store.

Ipek Sahiner
Published in
4 min readNov 5, 2021


The pandemic has forced many small businesses to revert from the physical to digital. But even without such a scenario, the need to go digital was not far in the future — it just pushed things to move faster.

Having to form this new, digital type of relationship with customers brought on a number of challenges for SMBs, and these are the main ones:

🔵 Different type of relations

Small businesses which have little online presence had to convert to e-commerce to sell their products and services. This digital transformation requires a different type of relationship than having a face-to-face conversation in a physical shop, forcing business owners to think of complicated matters such as customer engagement, UX, e-commerce management, user journeys, and so on.

🔵 Managing social media

Being able to sell online requires a lot — social media presence and management for one. Many SMBs are a one-person show, which means they don’t have a dedicated social media manager, nor do they have enough time to manage those channels themselves. The algorithms which social media channels use require full-time dedication, otherwise the brand remains unseen, and it does not get any traction.

🔵 Allocating ad budgets

Another big challenge is the limited marketing budget the small business owners have. It needs to be used wisely, but the advertising spending in social media channels sometimes tends to go over the budget.

🔵 Targeting the right customers

No business owner really knows if the targeted market is the correct one, even if they can specify many data points of target customers while creating ads for them. Those ad specifications are not effective enough, especially for reaching a brand’s current customers, because the current ad process works mainly for acquiring new customers.

On top of all these, another significant challenge for small business owners was the lack of choice, so adapting to the status quo was a must.

How Profila solves these challenges

We describe Profila as a new type of a relationship management platform between brands and their customers. Through our platform, people can connect with their favorite brands because they want to. In turn, this enables brands to have a personal relationship with their customers, just like in a physical shop.

It’s all based on the following principle:

Customers connect with brands as they wish, but brands can subscribe to customers only if they allow. Profila gives the control of private data back to where it belongs — to the customers themselves!

Customers willingly provide their data and get paid

When customers choose to connect with brands through Profila, and allow them use their data for being targeted, they get paid in return. This is a revolutionary benefit to a regular person. Today, no one gets paid when brands show them their ads, or send them marketing emails. Plus, no person has control if/when a brand can take these actions.

Mobile screen with a subscription offer in Profila’s app

This way each customer can be treated as special and unique, as they truly are. Besides, who wouldn’t agree with being targeted if they actually got something in return for it?

Brands send personalized offers directly, with less cost

On the other hand, this type of relationship also eases the marketing efforts of brands. Profila enables brands to send advertisements, special offers and campaigns to their customers, much more affordable than before.

Mobile screen with promotional offer from a brand inside Profila’s app

This is an eye-opening opportunity for many small and medium-sized businesses.

We get good traction from brand owners who run local businesses with or without a physical presence. Facing customers one-to-one is especially important to businesses in industries like fashion, accessories, gastronomy, etc. but even those industries had to adopt online shopping in the past 2 years.

In conclusion — what Profila brings to the table

Profila’s solution solves all the main challenges listed above, bringing all the benefits together in one app for customers, and a single dashboard for brands.

With Profila, small business owners can:

☑️ Manage customer relationships in a much easier way

☑️ Get the most accurate data and advertise more affordably

☑️ Treat each customer as special and value their data

☑️ Achieve better results

It is a new-era marketing platform designed for people, delivered to brands.

More trusted. More personal. More affordable.

