The Online Entrepreneur’s Prayer

When The Marketplace Is Your Ministry, You Need God.

Ryan Colby
Profits For Jesus


Photo by Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” — 1 John 5:14

Lord, give me the strength,
to do what I cannot do on my own.
Building an online business with ETERNAL profit,
That honors you in everything.

My talents, my relationships,
my treasure, my team.
All these precious gifts are given by you.
May The Holy Spirit remind me everyday.

Worldly wealth can be a snare.
Capturing its entrepreneurial prey.
Promising everlasting joy and peace.
Which only you can provide.

My Heavenly Father,
you are the original entrepreneur.
Hand-crafting this magnificent universe
in only 7 short days.

I am created in your holy, innovative image
called to be Christlike in every word and deed.
Living out your unconditional love
with every customer…



Ryan Colby
Profits For Jesus

A faith-driven family man, founder and fitness addict all rolled up into one pasty white burrito. | Co-Founder, Get Lean In 12