A love letter to clients who are never satisfied (in the best way).

Priya Narasimhan
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2023

To clients who give us their time, their problems, their ideas, and their belief. Thank you.

Photo by Mary Oloumi on Unsplash.

This is a love letter to our clients who are never satisfied, in the best possible way. You know who you are.

Clients who always ask, “What if?”
Clients who are always restless with the status quo.
Clients who push the envelope.

Clients who have faith that we have more in our tank.
Clients who are never satisfied, because we do have more in our tank.

Clients who have aspirations and who share them with us.
Clients who are honest with us about our flaws.
Clients who want us to be better, and tell us how.
Clients who have our backs when things get tough.
Clients who collaborate, not command.

Clients who make us dig deep.
Clients who make us think.
Clients who change us for the better.
Clients who always try to do the right thing.
Clients who are in it for the long haul.

Clients who are ambitious for us, and with us.
Clients who are intellectually curious.
Clients who are outrageously creative.
Clients who make us laugh in joy, at their creativity.
Clients who want to build a product the right way.

Clients who see opportunity in every problem.
Clients who are giddy about problems and inventing solutions.
Clients who see no limits.
Clients who see no limits in us.

Clients who give us that most scarce resource of all. Their time.
Clients who give us that second most scarce resource of all. Their problems.
Clients who give us that third most scarce resource of all. Their ideas.
Clients who give us that fourth most scarce resource of all. Their belief.
Clients whose belief in us gives us belief in ourselves.

Clients whose voices and ideas fill us with joy.
Clients who are fundamentally amazing human beings.
Clients who are friends and collaborators first.
Clients who care.

Clients who make us, us.
Clients who make me, me.

Clients whom we would give up everything for — and whom we give everything to.



Priya Narasimhan

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. CEO and Founder of YinzCam. Runner. Engineer at heart.