Hold the frosting. Show me the cake.

Priya Narasimhan
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2021

In product development or in sales, cake takes the cake.

Photo by Karolina Kołodziejczak on Unsplash.

If you build or sell products, it’s important to differentiate between cake and frosting.

Cake represents core functionality, the essential features that provide the value or the benefit that the user is looking for in the product. Cake often looks plain, unprepared for the spotlight, but cake is the foundation. It works. It gets the job done.

Here’s another analogy. A simple household item — a tap. A tap delivers water. A tap that delivers water is a good tap. It does what it was born to do. Now, that tap may look old, plain, simple, and out-of-place with the decor of your home, but it is still a tap. And a good one, as long as it delivers water into your hands.

And, then, you have bronze taps, gold-plated taps, copper taps, marble taps, taps with motion sensors, taps that auto-adjust the temperature, taps with spray nozzles, taps that gush, and taps that swirl water. Taps shaped like fish, swans, waterfalls, dragons, and lions. Museum-worthy taps. But, they are still just taps. Their job is one thing — to deliver water.

A tap delivers water. That’s cake.
A tap may look like a work of art. That’s frosting.
The tap is still a tap without the frosting.
The tap is no longer a tap without the cake.

Does frosting matter?

Of course.
We’ve all heard the sayings.
You eat with your eyes first. The sizzle sells the steak.

In product management, I often see product owners trying to build frosting first, or obsess over frosting before they decide on the cake.

Frosting is fun, it’s visible, it’s glamorous, it’s exciting to show others, it’s thrilling to tell your friends about, it elicits admiration, and it looks soooo good. Frosting looks like a work of art, and indeed, it is. Frosting demands attention. It’s tempting to work on frosting in the early days of building a product because it can feel like beautiful and visible progress. I’ve seen post-it brainstorming sessions where people bring up frosting use-cases that elicit oohs and aahs in the room.

Because frosting generates admiration, people often forget to make the best cake and instead fixate on making frosting that wows. This is true of investment pitches and sales pitches, too. I’ve seen products purchased purely on the basis of a glossy pitch deck and a mesmerizing, stirring video to go with it. I’ve seen buyers be disappointed later when they realize that the beauty of a pitch deck may not always translate into good engineering.

The more beautiful the frosting, the easier it distracts from the cake’s flaws.

In defense of cake. Great cake.

I am here to stand up for cake. I am here to defend cake that wows. I am here to defend the production of high-quality, scrumptious, memorable, melt-in-your-mouth cake that makes someone fall in love with the cake. I want cake that makes someone run to buy the cake for its own yummy sake.

When I sit through sales pitches, product demos, investment pitches, I ask for one thing.

Show me the cake.

The next time you build a product,
the next time you buy a product,
the next time you hear a sales pitch,
the next time you hear an investment pitch,
the next time you see a product demo,
the next time someone shows you a slide deck,
the next time someone shows you a website,
demand cake.

The fancier the frosting, demand to know more the cake.
“Let’s see the plumbing instead of the PowerPoint.”
“I don’t care how great it looks. Tell me how it works.”
“Forget the frosting, show me how good the cake is.”

Don’t get me wrong. I love frosting. I’ve been known to lick the last bit of frosting off spoons. I am just here to say — don’t put the frosting before the cake. It’s important to build a spectacular, solid, delicious cake that you are sure of, that you are proud of, before you dream up any frosting for it.

Cake can exist without frosting.
Frosting can’t exist without cake.

And that takes the cake.



Priya Narasimhan

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. CEO and Founder of YinzCam. Runner. Engineer at heart.