About the Profundus High IQ Society and Journal

Reverend Kenny Tran
Profundus Journal
Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2017

Profundus was founded in 2014 by Randy Myers, the creator multiple IQ tests and author of several IQ improvement books.

Profundus membership requires an IQ score of 160 on a prior test or on the ICON test, meaning only 1 out of every 31,560 people could potentially be members.

All official members are listed on the website at www.thehighiqsociety.org.

The Profundus High IQ Society is the 54th member of the World Intelligence Network (WIN) alliance of 64 high IQ societies.

This journal was founded by member Kenneth Tran, who serves as the editor, and is the official journal for Profundus and was created with the express permission and approval of Randy Myers.

The opinions in this journal do not necessarily reflect that of the society as a whole and one should use best judgment when considering authorship.

