Understanding Kotlin — Part 1

Balaji S B
Proggy Blast
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2020

Hello Everyone, this article is mainly focusing on understanding what kotlin programming language is. Generally kotlin is used for different platforms and nowadays even it support multi platform support too. Here we are discussing about the basic structures and how we can learn the concepts step by step. And this is series of articles where the focus is to understand and code the kotlin easy and efficient. And here we go.

Introduction to Kotlin :

Several programming languages which are used for developing some softwares or some applications. We are mostly familiar with the lanugages C,C++, Java, Python etc. Like wise here we have one more language is Kotlin.

Kotlin is developed and maintained by Jetbrains.Kotlin is basically used for developing android applications, web technologies, server side development. Kotlin is the open source language. Here we are going to look forward for how Kotlin is useful for android app development.

Kotlin with Android :

Initially we can create the android applications using java language. After that several cross platforms supports to build the project for android with different web technologies. But Kotlin is simple programming language and which compiles it code into class files through JVM. Android made Kotlin is the official language for developing android app on 2017.

Why Kotlin ?

Even though android made kotlin as official language, it also supports the app which is develop with java. Because kotlin is interoperable. Still many developers think why we need to switch to kotiln instead of java. Because kotlin is simple language and easy to understand. Mostly the kotlin offers many useful things, like prevent nullability, declaring the variables without assigning to the type and semicolon is not required after end of the statement. Based on the variable declaration it will assign the variable type itself.

Since many things are there for kotlin, some of the most important things are corroutines (will see it on further series) and multi threading.

Variable Declartion :

In general we can assign some valu to the variable in kotlin, with 2 different ways. We can use the val keyword and var keyword. Variable names in kotlin doesn’t support for the reserved words.

So what’s the difference between val and var?

  1. val is the keyword which is used for storing immutable property.
  2. We can’t update the value of val.
  1. On the other hand var is mutable property.
  2. We can update the value wherever we want.

Conclusion :

So from this article we come to know about what is kotlin and how it’s advantages and basic variable declarations. Please do clap (👏) if you like this post. Thanks and Cheers.

#Kotlin #proggyblast #balajisb Balaji S B Proggy Blast



Balaji S B
Proggy Blast

Technical Lead @ Happeist Minds Technologies Pvt Ltd