Importing GSON into Eclipse.

Programmers Blockchain
2 min readDec 16, 2017

This is a supplementary guide for the simple blockchain from scratch Java tutorial series.

What is GSON.

Gson is Java library created by google that enables you to get a JSON representation of a Java Object. Read more about it here.

Downloading GSON.

You will need to download Gson Jar ( “gson-2.6.2.jar” ) from the maven repo. Make sure to keep a note of where you saved it.

Creating a User Library for Gson.

Open Windows >preferences in the Eclipse menu, and navigate to the Java >Build path > User Libraries tab. Click new and enter a new User Library name: like “gson_lib” and hit ok. With “gson_lib” selected press Add External JARs and find the gson-2.6.2.jar you downloaded. Apply and Close.

Adding the User Library to a package.

Right click your package in package explorer > Build path > Add Libraries. Select User libraries and then press next, now just tick “gson_lib” and click finish.

Import it with import*;

So now you know…

