Computer Networking — A Top-Down Approach Chpt 2

Lu Shengliang
Programmers Don’t Read Books
2 min readOct 23, 2014



1. Network Application — Server-Client; P2P

2. Socket — interface between process

3. Transport Services: Throughput, timing, security

4. SSL — Secure Socket Layer

5. TCP vsUDP

6. Application Layer Protocals

7. Web & HTTP

8. Non-Persistent and Persistent Connections

9. Three-way handshake

10. Round-trip time — RTT; Small package to travel from client to server

11. HTTP Msg & Response Format

12. Cookie — a nice Case study

13. Web Caching — Proxy Server; installed by ISP; Maybe university or major residential; calculation is similiar to cache

14. Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) — shared CDNs; dedicated CDNs (Google)

15. FTP — Similiar to HTTP, but server needs to maintain state about the user

16. SMTP

17. SMTP →POP3; IMAP—Post Office Protocol V; Internet Mail Access Protocol

18. DNS — services: Host aliasing; Mail server aliasing; Load Distribution; LOAD Distribution

19. DNS →a wonderful example of distributed database. problems: A single point failure; Traffic volume; Distant centralized database; Maintenance

20. Root DNS servers; Top-level domain (TLD) servers; Authoritative DNS servers; local DNS server

The query from the requesting host to the local DNS server is recur-
sive, and the remaining queries are iterative.

21. DNS Caching

22. DNS Record type / Format

23. p2p applications — //TODO here P145 ~ P156

24. Socket Programming — UDP, TCP

25. Port number

attaching the source address to the packet is typically not done by the UDP application code; instead it is automatically done by the underlying operating system.

26. Python code = =

27. TCP — connection-oriented; need handshake; the connection is fixed and can be used directly

During the three-way handshake, the client process knocks on the welcoming door of the server process. When the server “hears” the knocking, it creates a new door — more precisely, a new socket that is dedicated to that particular client.

With TCP, all bytes sent from one side not are not only guaranteed to arrive at the other side but also guaranteed arrive in order.

28. some programming assignments are worth trying

