Linux Device Drivers Ch01

Lu Shengliang
Programmers Don’t Read Books
1 min readDec 7, 2014

First glance

1. The distinction between mechanism and policy is one of the best ideas behind the Unix design

  • “what capabilities are to be provided” (the mechanism)
  • “how those capabilities can be used” (the policy)

2. The role of the device driver

  • some basic concept
  • be as policy free as possible

3. Splitting the kernel

  • process management; memory management; file systems; device control; networking

4. Loadable Modules

5. Classes of Devices and Modules

  • decomposition is a key element of scalability and extendability
  • so create a different module for each new functionality
  • Character Devices — can be accessed as a stream of bytes
  • Block devices — a block of device that can host a filesystem; like /dev
  • Network interfaces — Not being a stream-oriented device; hard to be mapped to a node in the file system

6. Security Issues

7. Version numbering — stable and unstable

