Explore the differences between Rust and C++: A comparison of features, syntax, and applications

Dr. Alok Pratap
Programming Concepts…..
6 min readJan 13, 2023
Photo by Walling on Unsplash

Rust and C++ are both systems programming languages that are commonly used for low-level systems programming, such as operating systems, embedded systems, and game engines. However, they have some key differences in terms of their design goals and features.

Safety and Security:

Rust is designed to be a safer and more secure language than C++. It has a built-in system for managing memory and preventing common programming errors, such as null pointer dereferences and buffer overflows. Rust’s ownership model ensures that the language will not allow data to be accessed after it has been dropped, making it hard to accidentally use a dangling pointer. In contrast, C++ does not have such a robust system for managing memory, and it is more prone to these types of errors.


C++ is a more powerful and flexible language than Rust and it has more third-party libraries available. C++ is more mature and has been around for much longer than Rust. Due to its flexibility, C++ can be used to achieve better performance than Rust in certain situations. However, Rust has a strong focus on concurrency, which allows for efficient and safe parallelism in the code. This can result in faster and more efficient code, especially when working with multiple cores.


Rust’s syntax is similar to C++ but it’s more expressive and easier to read. C++ is more complex and harder to learn. Rust’s syntax is designed to be more consistent and predictable than C++, making it easier to write and understand. Rust also has a more expressive type system, which makes it easier to reason about the code and catch errors at compile-time.


Let’s take a look at a small example of how Rust and C++ handle a common programming task. In this example, we will create a simple function that takes two integers as arguments and returns their sum.

Here is the Rust code:

fn sum(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
a + b

And here is the C++ code:

int sum(int a, int b) {
return a + b;

As we can see, the Rust code is more concise and expressive. The type of the arguments and the return value are clearly defined, and the function body is simple and easy to understand. In contrast, the C++ code is more verbose and less expressive. The type of the arguments and the return value must be specified, and the function body is the same as in the Rust code.

Here are few more examples that demonstrate some of the key differences between Rust and C++:

1. Ownership and borrowing: In Rust, variables have ownership and lifetime, which means that only one variable can own a specific piece of data at a time. This allows Rust to automatically handle memory management and prevent data races. Here is an example of how ownership and borrowing works in Rust:

fn main() {
let mut s = String::from("Hello");
let r1 = &mut s;
let r2 = &mut s; // This will not compile because s is already borrowed by r1

In contrast, C++ does not have such a robust system for managing memory, and it is more prone to data races. Here is an equivalent example in C++:

int main() {
std::string s = "Hello";
std::string& r1 = s;
std::string& r2 = s; // This will compile, but it can cause data race

2. Error handling: Rust uses the Result type to handle errors, which makes it easy to handle and propagate errors in a safe and consistent way. Here is an example of how error handling works in Rust:

fn divide(a: i32, b: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
if b == 0 {
return Err(String::from("division by zero"));
Ok(a / b)

In contrast, C++ uses exceptions to handle errors, which can make it harder to handle and propagate errors in a consistent way. Here is an equivalent example in C++:

int divide(int a, int b) {
if (b == 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("division by zero");
return a / b;

3. Concurrency: Rust provides built-in support for concurrency through its ownership model and its lightweight threading model. Here is an example of how concurrency works in Rust:

use std::thread;

fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
println!("Here's a vector: {:?}", v);

In contrast, C++ does not have such built-in support for concurrency and it requires more manual work to handle threads and synchronization. Here is an equivalent example in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

int main() {
std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3};
std::thread t([&] {
std::cout << "Here's a vector: [";
for (auto i : v) {
std::cout << i << " ";
std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

4. Macros: Rust provides a powerful macro system that allows you to generate code at compile-time. Here is an example of how macros work in Rust:

macro_rules! say_hello {
() => {

In contrast, C++ does not have such a powerful macro system, and it requires more manual work to generate code at compile-time. Here is an equivalent example in C++:

#define say_hello() std::cout << "Hello!" << std::endl;

int main() {

5. Template Metaprogramming:

Rust does not have such a powerful template system and it requires more manual work to perform metaprogramming at compile-time. However, it is possible to achieve similar functionality using procedural macro.

use std::ops::Mul;

struct Factorial<T: Mul<Output=T> + Copy + From<u8>>(T);

impl<T: Mul<Output=T> + Copy + From<u8>> Factorial<T> {
fn new() -> Self {

fn compute(&self, n: u8) -> T {
(1..=n).fold(self.0, |acc, x| acc * T::from(x))

fn main() {
let factorial = Factorial::new();
println!("{}", factorial.compute(5));

In contrast, C++ provides a powerful template system that allows you to perform metaprogramming at compile-time. Here is an example of how template metaprogramming works in C++:

template <int N>
struct Factorial {
static const int value = N * Factorial<N-1>::value;

template <>
struct Factorial<0> {
static const int value = 1;

int main() {
std::cout << Factorial<5>::value << std::endl;

In summary, Rust and C++ are both powerful systems programming languages, but they have different design goals and features. Rust prioritizes safety and reliability, while C++ prioritizes flexibility and performance. Rust has a more expressive syntax and better built-in support for concurrency and error handling, while C++ has a more powerful template system and a larger ecosystem of third-party libraries available.


Rust is a relatively new language and it’s gaining popularity in the systems programming community. It’s used in various applications like game engines, operating systems, network services and more. Rust’s memory safety guarantees and built-in concurrency support make it a great choice for developing high-performance, concurrent, and safe systems.

C++, on the other hand, is a mature and widely-used language. It’s used in various applications like game engines, operating systems, embedded systems, and more. C++’s flexibility and rich standard library make it a great choice for developing high-performance systems.

In conclusion, Rust and C++ are both powerful systems programming languages that have their own strengths and weaknesses. Rust is a safer and more secure language that prioritizes safety and reliability, while C++ is more flexible and has a larger ecosystem and more third-party libraries available. Rust’s syntax is similar to C++ but it’s more expressive and easier to read. C++ is more complex and harder to learn. Rust’s memory safety guarantees and built-in concurrency support.

That’s all folks!!

