How to Extract a Substring in JavaScript

substr, substring, slice, and more

Cristian Salcescu
Frontend Essentials


Photo by the author

There are three methods for extracting part of a string in JavaScript, maybe too many. One would have been enough


The substr(start, length) method extracts part of a string, beginning at the specified index and returning the specified number of characters.

const quote = "Winter is coming";const part1 = quote.substr(0, 6);
const part2 = quote.substr(10, 6);

Notice that the first character is at index 0.

The start index is required but the length is optional. If omitted it extracts the rest of the string.

const quote = "Winter is coming";const part = quote.substr(6);
// is coming


The substring(start, end) method returns the part of a string between the start and end indexes. It begins with the character at the start index and ends but does not include the character at the end index.

const quote = "We Stand Together";const part = quote.substring(3, 8);
// Stand

