How to get published on Programming For Music

Share your experience, thoughts, ideas about programming in the music industry.

Panos Matsinopoulos
Programming for Music


Image by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay

The foundation of Programming For Music is sharing knowledge and helping each other grow as community.

In this story, we outline the steps to have your article be published on Programming For Music. Be sure to follow the Programming For Music to help support our community of authors which we hope you chose to be a part of.

How to submit an article

We will read each of the submitted article carefully. Hence, it may take some time before we get back to you. We provise this will not be more than 3 days since you submitted.

  1. Email with a link to your story. Please, share a draft link and wait to publish the story as this will help us maximize the results from the Medium ranking algorithm.
  2. Our team will add you as a writer.
  3. Follow these instructions to submit a story:
  4. We will review and, possibly, lightly edit your story. If it meets our criteria, we will publish it. If we want you to make changes to improve the story, we will suggest them back to you.
  5. The Programming For Music team will promote your story in relevant places, on social media, and to our community to help more people discover your article.
  6. After you story has been published, share your story on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media outlets.

How Do We Select Articles?

We try to makes sure that our articles are beneficial to our readers. We seek to only publish stories that follow a few simple rules:

  • Well written
  • About interesting topics
  • Relevant to our audience of software developers who have interested in the music and media industry and musicians who are interested in programming.

If your article matches these criteria, we encourage you to send it to us.

Don’t Forget

  1. The story should be yours and original. However, you are allowed to publish it to other media.
  2. The story remains yours and we don’t claim any right to it.
  3. If you decide to publish elsewhere too, please, don’t remove it from our publication. We invest a lot of time in promoting your story and we wouldn’t like our reach to end up in users experiencing 404 (Not Found) errors.

Thank you very much for considering a story with Programming For Music. We are looking forward to receiving your article.

