Google launches free Udacity course

Developing Android Apps

Lewis Lebentz
Programming Stories


Google has just released a new resource for learning how to create Android apps on Udacity.

Their aim is to help you ‘think like an Android developer’, the course is aimed at people how already have some experience at programming and has been categorised as ‘Advanced’. If you are a beginner, they recommend that you start off by taking the ‘Intro to Java’ course first, which is also available for free.

You can find the Android Fundamentals course here:

To view the free content, click on ‘View courseware’. There is also a paid version, where you have guidance from an Instructor, but at the time of publishing the course is already fully booked.

Throughout the course you will be guided by Google Developers, Reto Meier, Dan Galpin, and Katherine Kuan.

