Weekend Hacks: n-grams (pt.2)

Ethan Willis
Programming Tid-”bits”
1 min readNov 10, 2014


Processing text files and outputting CSV summaries

I previously put together a quick tutorial on n-grams and hacked together a quick script to find n-grams in a piece of text. At the end of that tutorial I gave some suggestions on how that simple script could be expanded. With this follow up tutorial I will show how to parse a directory of text files for specific n-grams and generate summaries of the results in CSV format.

Modifying the Input Step

— Placeholder text: Describe how to get file listings and read in text files —

Modifying the Processing Step

— Placeholder text: Describe how to modify the processing step with additional functions that search for specific n-grams —

Modifying the Output Step

— Placeholder text: Describe how to modify the output step. Explain the structure of CSV files, explain how to write files to disk with python —

