A Beginner’s Guide to Contributing to Open Source Projects

Pierre Janineh
Coding with PierreJanineh
4 min readJul 26, 2023


Image by storyset on Freepik

If you’re a developer or aspiring coder, contributing to open source projects can catapult your learning, expand your network, and even boost your resume. But if you’re new to the scene, you might be wondering, “How do I get started?” This guide is here to help.

What’s Open Source?

Open source software is built differently. Unlike proprietary software, where the source code is kept secret, open source software makes its source code freely accessible. Anyone can view, use, modify, and distribute it. The benefits of this approach are enormous:

1. Accessibility:

The source code is publicly accessible, encouraging continuous improvement through community contributions.

2. Collaboration:

Open source projects often leverage the collective wisdom of the crowd. Contributors from around the world can improve the source code, add features, or fix bugs.

3. Transparency:

With an open source project, the code is laid bare. This transparency promotes better quality as issues and bugs are more likely to be identified and corrected.

4. Learning and Skill Development:

Open source projects offer an excellent opportunity for practical learning. They allow anyone to work on real-world projects, which can be especially beneficial for students and early-career developers.

5. Community:

Open source fosters a sense of community. Developers from around the world work together to improve the software, share ideas, and learn from each other.

6. Innovation:

Open source can lead to rapid innovation. Different users might have different needs or ideas, leading to a variety of versions of the software.

7. Cost:

Open source software is typically free to use. This can make it a cost-effective choice for businesses and individuals.

How to Start Contributing

You don’t have to be a coding expert to contribute. Here are some ways you can make an impact:
- Writing or translating documentation
- Designing user interfaces
- Conducting tests and reporting bugs
- Participating in discussions around the project

Each of these areas is critical to the development and success of a project.

Ready to dive in?

Step 1: Understand Open Source

Before you start contributing, familiarize yourself with the philosophy of open source. In simple terms, open source software is software whose source code is available to anyone to view, modify, and distribute. It’s built collaboratively, often by volunteers.

Step 2: Learn Git and GitHub

Git is a version control system, and GitHub is a platform where people host their open source projects. There are plenty of online tutorials that can help you get up to speed with basic Git commands and GitHub workings.

Step 3: Find a Project to Contribute To

GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket are platforms where you can find open source projects. You can search for projects that align with your interests and filter them by language, framework, or topic.

For beginners, it’s a good idea to look for projects that have labels like ‘good first issue’, ‘beginner-friendly’, or ‘help wanted’. Here are a few sites that curate issues suitable for newcomers to open source:
- Up For Grabs
First Timers Only
Good First Issues
Google Summer of code

Step 4: Understand the Project and Its Contribution Guidelines

Once you’ve chosen a project, take time to understand its purpose, architecture, and how it works. Most importantly, read the project’s contribution guidelines. These guidelines are typically in a file called CONTRIBUTING.md in the project’s repository, or simply in the README.md file.

A CONTRIBUTING.md file for example.

Step 5: Start Small

Starting small is a good strategy. This could be fixing a bug, improving the documentation, or adding a small feature. Don’t worry about making a significant impact right away. The goal is to learn and gain experience.

Step 6: Make Your First Contribution

After you’ve chosen a task, it’s time to make your contribution. This usually involves forking the repository, making your changes, and then submitting a pull request (PR). Your PR will then be reviewed by the project maintainers. Be open to feedback and willing to make changes to your contribution.

Step 7: Be Patient and Open to Feedback

Your first contribution may not be accepted right away. That’s okay. Open source contribution is a learning process. Be open to feedback and willing to make changes to your contribution.

Step 8: Engage with the Community

Open source is all about community. Engage with other contributors. Ask questions if you have them. Offer help when you can. Be respectful and follow the community’s code of conduct.

Step 9: Keep Learning and Contributing

The more you contribute, the more you’ll learn. Don’t be discouraged if you make mistakes or if your contributions are not accepted initially. Keep learning, keep contributing, and over time, you’ll find that you’re growing not just as a contributor, but as a developer.


Contributing to open source projects can be a rewarding experience that helps you grow professionally and personally. It allows you to work on real-world projects, collaborate with other developers worldwide, and contribute to the broader tech community.

Ready to make your first open-source contribution? Dive in, and remember

The open source community is all about learning and growing together.

Don’t hesitate to share your experiences and learnings along the way.

Happy coding!

