Exploring Mobile Development: Native vs. React Native

Pierre Janineh
Coding with PierreJanineh
4 min readAug 8, 2023


In the age of digitalization, mobile applications have become vital components in personal and business realms. There are various methods and technologies available for mobile application development, two of the most popular being native development and React Native. This article seeks to provide a comprehensive comparison of these two methods, focusing on their architecture, language and environment, internal workings, and time consumption.

1. Architecture: Design Patterns and Components

Native development

Allows developers to use all the capabilities of the devices because they have direct access to the hardware such as GPS, camera, etc. It offers robustness and a high degree of reliability. Design patterns and components in native development are standard and have been matured over the years. UI components, for example, are highly optimized to provide a smooth user experience.

Native development supports multiple app design patterns

React Native

On the other hand, utilizes a mixture of JavaScript and native code. It follows the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. However, instead of using Swift, Kotlin or Java, you’re putting those building blocks together using JavaScript and React. The architectural concept of React Native is essentially about reusing these “native components” and binding them to their React counterparts.

React Native reuses a bunch of components

2. Language & Environment: Multi-threaded vs. Single-threaded (Multi-processed)

Native development

is multi-threaded, which means it can handle multiple tasks simultaneously. This results in a more efficient performance, especially for applications that require heavy computations or multiple operations running simultaneously. Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android are statically typed languages, which makes it easier to catch bugs in compile-time and perform optimizations.

Multi-Threaded Native development

React Native

is inherently single-threaded. JavaScript runs on a single thread, but React Native uses multiple threads internally. For instance, JavaScript code runs on its thread, separate from the main UI thread. This separation can enhance performance, but it can also cause synchronization issues.

Single-Threaded, Multi-Processed React Native

3. Time Consumption in Development

Native development

typically requires more time than React Native development. This is primarily because separate codebases must be maintained for each platform in native development (Swift or Objective-C for iOS, Java or Kotlin for Android), essentially doubling the development and maintenance time.

React Native

on the other hand, touts its “write once, run anywhere” philosophy. This means the same codebase can be used to develop applications for different platforms (Android, iOS), leading to significant time savings.

Timeline of Native vs. React Native development

4. How React Native Works Internally: The React Native Bridge

React Native operates by acting as a bridge between the JavaScript application code and the native APIs. The JavaScript code does not get compiled into native code. Instead, React Native starts up a JavaScript engine to interpret your JavaScript code on the fly when your app is running.

The React Native bridge is asynchronous and batched, meaning that individual JavaScript and native instructions don’t line up one-to-one. The bridge batches these instructions to perform at once, enhancing efficiency. However, this can also lead to latency issues.

How React Native works internally

Native development’s pros & cons:

Native development Pros
Native development Cons

React Native development’s pros & cons:

React Native Pros
React Native Cons


Both native development and React Native have their own set of strengths and weaknesses. The choice between them often boils down to the specific needs of the project, the expertise of the development team, and the long-term goals for the app. It’s crucial for developers to understand the differences and make an informed choice that best fits their specific use case.

