Cordova — Signing app for Playstore

Jowin R (Black Zea)
2 min readMay 31, 2019

When I try to upload my APK to google playstore for the first time, it didn’t work. It is because of app-sign issue. My app is not signed. I was very confused at first.

After a lot of research, I finally managed to make it work. Here I will list down a much more simple and direct step by step.

1. Install Android Studio

2. Open project or anything until you opened the Android Studio big window.

3. At the top menu, go to “Build” -> “Generate Signed Bundle / APK …”

4. At the popup, select APK and click Next

5. At the Key store path, click “Create new…”

6. At the popup, fill in everything. The “Key store path” will be the place our sign key generated. For the alias, put our app name there. It is very important to note down everything we fill in there. Then click “OK”

7. Then click “Cancel”. That is all we need. We just need the sign key.

8. Open Command Prompt, go to the directory of the cordova project, put the key there, then run “cordova run android –release — –keystore=upload-keystore.jks –storePassword=keystorepassword –alias=yourappname –password=aliaspassword”.
a) Replace the “upload-keystore.jks” to the name of the key file.
b) Replace “keystorepassword” to the password of the key.
c) Replace “yourappname” with the alias.
d) Replace “aliaspassword” with the password of the alias.

9. The signed APK is done, located at “Project\platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\release\app-release.apk”. It can be uploaded to Google Play Store (



Jowin R (Black Zea)

I am a very active developer, active in learning almost all kind of programing language, while working as developer myself for over 12 years