Tech Leads: Should They Ditch Code and Focus on Team Building?

Syed Kadar Ansari Syed Ahamed
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2023
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

The role of a tech lead is multifaceted and essential to the success of any project. However, it’s important to understand that the primary goal of a tech lead isn’t merely to write better code than their teammates. Instead, their mission is to foster collaboration and collectively build great software. In this blog post, I will try to explain my point of view on why a tech lead’s focus extends far beyond individual coding prowess.

Collaboration: The Heart of Software Development

Software engineering is a collaborative job, often involving a team of individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds. To harness this diversity effectively and deliver high-quality software, tech leads play a pivotal role in facilitating collaboration among team members. They act as the glue that binds the team together, ensuring that everyone is working cohesively towards a common goal.

Empowering Teammates: Growing Together

One of the distinguishing qualities of a good tech lead is their commitment to the growth of their teammates. Rather than seeking personal glory, they invest their time and energy in mentoring and coaching others. By sharing knowledge and providing opportunities for skill development, tech leads raise the collective competency of the team, resulting in improved software quality and efficiency.

Team Success over Individual Achievement

In the world of software development, success is measured not by individual achievements but by the collective output of the team. A skilled tech lead recognises this and prioritises the team’s success above all else. They are willing to make decisions and take actions that benefit the entire team, even if it means stepping away from coding tasks themselves.

Adaptability: Wearing Many Hats

Tech leads are known for their adaptability. Depending on the project’s needs, they may find themselves in various roles — from architectural guru to task manager, conflict resolver to communicator. This versatility is a testament to their commitment to ensuring the team’s success in any situation.

Communication and Soft Skills

While technical prowess is undoubtedly important, a tech lead’s effectiveness hinges on their soft skills. Strong communication, leadership, empathy, and conflict resolution abilities are vital tools in their arsenal. These skills enable them to create a collaborative and productive team environment where everyone can thrive.

A Long-Term Perspective

A tech lead takes the long view of a project. They aren’t just concerned with immediate coding tasks; they consider the software’s long-term maintainability, scalability, and the well-being and growth of team members. Their decisions are guided by the goal of ensuring the software and the team’s success well into the future.

In conclusion, a tech lead’s role is not limited to writing code; it’s about building great software together. By fostering collaboration, empowering teammates, prioritising team success, and embracing adaptability and soft skills, tech leads play a pivotal role in steering projects toward triumph. Their ability to see the bigger picture and lead with both technical prowess and interpersonal finesse is what sets them apart in the world of software development.



Syed Kadar Ansari Syed Ahamed

Engineering manager, specialised in building data platforms and cloud technologies. Writing my experience and thoughts to help others and also myself.