First ever Shopify PWA App is here

Sumit Sourav
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2018

The next-gen mobile web apps could be now accessed if you have a Shopify app store, PWAs are a rage in eCommerce industry from AliExpress to Flipkart all going gaga about its benefits in customer acquisitions and user conversions. Let’s see how you could access these features in your store.

So what are Progressive Web Apps?

Progressive Web Apps are the new trend in the e-commerce space, companies have already started making a shift to PWAs. AliExpress, an e-commerce website and an early adopter of the PWA technology was able to increase its conversion by 104% by making its website a Progressive Web App.

“A website without the conversion rate is like a car without wheels, it will take you nowhere.”

PWAs not only help in improving user engagement and conversions but can also give your website a search engine ranking boost. It’s been long known that a webpage’s loading time effects it’s rank on popular search engines, the faster the load speed, higher will be rank.

According to statistics, on average 60% of apps in an app store never get downloaded. The significant advantage of Progressive Web Apps over native apps is that they are independent of the OS and does not require a platform-specific application store. A user can easily access the app by visiting the website, and select add to home screen icon displayed at the bottom of the page to install the PWA on the home screen. You don’t have to search for PWAs among other 100’s and 1000’s of apps. Understand more about PWAs here.

Why Widely’s Shopify App?

With Widely’s Shopify app, brands can easily increase their reachability almost instantly. At 10x lower cost, one can convert their Shopify website into a PWA in a jiffy. Just by installing the app, you can make your PWA available to all major OS platforms that include iOS, Android and Windows 10. Moreover, you will save the app submission/developer fee charged by various app stores.

With our apps advanced settings, you can customize every aspect of how you want your app to engage with your customers.

In short, Widely’s App houses many powerful features which will lead your Shopify website to the high road. All you need to do is to install the app and within a few clicks, you’d upgrade your website into a Progressive Web App.

“Mobile is not the future, it is the now. Meet your customers in the environment of their choice, not where it’s convenient for you.” — Cyndie Shaffstall

Every feature you look for:

  1. Installable: Once PWA is configured, a user can easily install it to their device’s home screen/app drawer.
  2. Offline Access: Website performance gets impacted when working on flaky networks but with smart caching a user can view the content even in low or no network.
  3. Web Push Notifications: Widely enables PWA with any existing push notification provider. For example: We’d be providing our integration with PushOwl.
  4. Light Weight App: PWAs uses less space on mobile as compared to the native app. It uses almost 75%-80% less space, a typical native app consumes 35mb of space, whereas the same app will consume less than 15mb.
  5. App Style Interaction: PWAs looks just like a native app. They can be directly installed to the home screen/app drawer and can deliver a native app like experience.
  6. Advanced Analytics: With Widely’s Shopify PWA app you can easily track your PWA’s users on Google Analytics and improve your conversion rate.

Widely API provides more robust PWA specific features, which can lead you to have a custom install feature, reduction in load time and so much more.

Widely’s Shopify Features

Minimum requirement for Widely’s Shopify App:

  1. To enjoy the features of PWA your website should be HTTPS enabled. If not then migrate your HTTP website to HTTPS.
  2. Responsive Website is the other requirement to enable PWA features.

Device Supported:

  1. Android
  2. iOS (Partially Supported)
  3. Windows 10 (April 2018, featured update)

Browsers Supported:

  1. Chrome
  2. Firefox
  3. Safari

Here is the complete list of requirements for integrating with PWAs.

How to use Widely’s Shopify PWA App:

Currently, Widely’s Shopify app has limited access. Hurry and get on to our early access list by registering yourself here.

About Us:

Widely is a tool for online businesses to upgrade to a progressive web app in minutes. Our tech enables brands to reach & re-engage every mobile user through the existing website mobile app way.

About Me:

I’m a Digital Marketer at Widely, and I am super enthusiastic about PWAs. The journey of PWAs has just begun, and it has already started to make its space in the app domain. Companies have already started to invest in this new technology. It will be interesting to see whether PWAs will completely replace native apps or not?

Reach out to Widely to upgrade your website into Progressive Web App in minutes and to know more about it.

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Sumit Sourav
Writer for

Associate Media Planner | SEO @ Publicis Sapient