Weekly Digest 20181001–07

Jim YT Chen
JimYTC Lab
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2018

Reading #1: [Management] About one-on-one meetings

I think people management is about communication between two individuals forming a group which is contributing to their organization. Things like status quo, recent feelings, health status, life plan, etc are necessary during the communication. Many of them are observable in daily co-work days, but even we notice them, it’s still hard to think of them if we don’t force ourselves to record and think about them. Someone told me that people management is not the nature of human beings and I quite agree with it.

Extended reading

Reading #2: [Programming] Circuit Breaker — leveraging the wisdom of electrical engineering

There are so many great services when building our own product. All the services work when the network is stable and fast. Just like what we do for architecturing our own application, when we introduce a new module to the application, we bring another dependency. After more and more dependencies are brought, managing them is unavoidable.

Unlike the self-written modules, third-party services cannot be controlled by us. The communication is over the Internet which we cannot control either. Then the way to managing them is to monitor the health of the communication, which includes the response and the time.

Book Note #1: 精實開發與看板方法

Just finished this book this week and the content was quite useful to me. I’ve got so many questions about agile, especially adapting it and the differences between different frameworks. After finishing this book, I can now give clearer thoughts and the greatest thing is that I’m now using the personal kanban to manage my own workflow, both work and personal. I’ve been practicing this for 2 weeks and I already notice some changes in the way I think.

By the way, reading this book along with The Nature of Software Development is a mind bloat experience.

Small wish here

I wish I could have more recap about programming in the future. :p

