You Light Up My Art

Lynda Abraham
Progressive Arts Alliance
2 min readFeb 27, 2018

“Can we turn off the lights for a grand finale?” On the final day of making LED circuit book artworks, this was the question of the day.

This project began as a step-by-step field guide for making simple and parallel circuits using copper tape, lithium batteries and LED lights. The hardest part of making this type of circuit is laying down the copper tape in one continuous strip without ripping it, especially when it comes to the corners! Almost every student made a workable circuit which resulted in a successful final project: a lit up drawing of themselves. The LED lights were strategically placed behind the drawing to enhance certain areas.

We put a stand on the back of each book so their artwork could be presented upright, like a frame.

Check out the lights-on and lights-off photos! The fourth grade students at Paul L. Dunbar Elementary did such a great job. They really worked hard to make their artworks shine!

Lights on!
Lights off!

