This Week @ ProgCode

The Network Update, Issue #00

The Progressive Coder
4 min readDec 3, 2016


Credit: Myron D.

Editor’s Note

Welcome to the Network Update, a weekly update to help optimize communication throughout ProgCode and with our partners, as well as our broader community. Every week, this update will feature news of events, efforts and partnerships — effectively giving you a snapshot of our weekly activities.

What’s New This Week

Weekly updates on new projects, initiatives and partnerships, as well as news about ProgCode efforts with partner organizations. This week, we’ll also highlight the format you can expect moving forward, with relevant updates as appropriate. Next week, though, the training wheels come off — make sure you send in any new updates!

New Channels:

  • interesting-tech — started by @aquaj as a place to share information about interesting, relevant tech breakthroughs and news, like JS libraries etc…
  • call-to-action — started by @woobietuesdays For anything related to mobilizing the troops
  • Legal — started by @desmondjones as a place to discuss legal issues that might affect ProgCode. Currently an ongoing discussion about what incorporated structure best serves ProgCodes needs.

New ProgCode Team Staff:

@rachel — Editor, weekly community updates; submissions for content can be sent to her.

@Preston — Community Engagement and Onboarding

@dave_mahler — Operations Admin

@woobietuesday — PR

@desmondjones — Community Engagement

This Week’s Events

Get your calendar ready! We’ll list events taking place both within ProgCode and in partnerships with other organizations, as well as notable events being attended by our members. Partner organizations and members are encouraged to submit events.

Thursday, Dec. 1

Friday, Dec. 2 N/A

Saturday, Dec. 3 N/A

Sunday, Dec. 4 N/A

Monday, Dec. 5 N/A

Tuesday, Dec. 6: Next onboarding call, 830pm EST.

Wednesday, Dec. 7: Rapi will be in Washington, DC for a high level meeting about the formation of a progressive network.

Featured Project

The roster of projects at ProgCode is constantly expanding; this section will highlight current projects at ProgCode. Project leads and coordinators are encouraged to submit their projects for this brief spotlight opportunity by sending @rachel a link to your project proposal doc.

Community Highlights

A quick glance of new initiatives, new partnerships/coders, and other notable occurrences within ProgCode in the last week. Our very first community highlight shows technology having a direct influence on how we can create a more progressive world.

Last Fall, ProgCode published a strategy document; one of the points we wanted to make sure to address was enriching our network to build stronger relationships.

It’s in this spirit that we’re proud to announce a collaborative effort with Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council & Elders, Digital Smoke Signals Media, Tech Warriors camp at Standing Rock, Veterans Stand with Standing Rock and Agua International Water Relief. Progressive Coders network organized and facilitated communications between each collaborative partner to help boost tech communications at Oceti Sakowin and amplify the Indigenous Media Voices who have been broadcasting news of their struggle to protect the tribe’s only source of clean drinking water, since April, 2016.

With the help of a group of social media volunteers and digital artists, Agua International Water Relief joined forces to boost already existing fundraising campaigns for Digital Smoke Signals and Tech Warrior Camp, and is hosting links to the fundraisers on its website’s home page for a week.

ProgCode teamwork continues to assist and encourage humanitarian organizations to enlist technology to increase activists’ effectiveness at a community level, for maximum impact.

Our efforts are already underway so please link to in your tweets, Facebook & Instagram posts! Thank you!

— Pamela John, aka @woobietuesday

Get Involved

Project leads — what is your project looking for? This is the perfect place to list opportunities within your teams. Let us know what skills you’re looking to add. Community members, this is a great place to check if you’re looking to take on a new challenge. Right now:

#socialroots is looking for a *React.js* dev please reach out to @turtletheturtle if interested

#political-factcheking is looking for *Django developers* please reach out to @jerome_ai_politech

#political-revolution needs help building their website -> @gfields

#the-progressive-times needs a *UI/UX* dev -> @pranaysomayajula or @hayden

#project-swimmy needs a UI/UX person → reach out to @erika

#PhoneYourRep needs a Ruby person → Contact @danodemo @dave_mahler @thecristen or @flaque


In the interests of motivating everyone, we want to include something positive, inspiring or motivating at the end of each update. This section will feature a quote or picture or news item that’s positive and helps remind us how important it is to work together towards progress in the future. If you see something that inspires you, feel free to submit it for consideration. This week, we leave you with a sign from the anti-Trump protests in NYC:



The Progressive Coder

Progressive Coders Network are non-partisan tech and non-tech activists building OS tools to empower the grassroots & reduce the influence of BIG$ in politics.