ProgCode goes to Europe, Maria’s Op-Ed in The Hill, Nat’l Voter File does Florida, and more

The Progressive Coder
3 min readNov 18, 2016

So many things happening these past two week, some not so good, some (very) bad, but some very good and a great reason to be optimistic!

We all know the bad, but let’s counter that with something really awesome:

  • First, we are so excited to share that one of the awesome App Creators and fervent partners, Maria Yuan of, has an op-ed published in The Hill on the need to update the way we contact our representative. She writes: “We’re paying politicians’ salaries with our tax dollars. Imagine hiring an employee and having that person say to you, ‘You must call me to reach me. I will not respond to your emails.’ Would you say that to your boss?”
  • National Voter File is now processing data from Florida! More states to go, perhaps you can help? If you are an overflowing source of encouragement and empowerment, who loves to collaborate and show folks the way, they’d love you to be their Volunteer Coordinator. Say hello to Ben (@bengal) at #national-voter-file
  • The Progressive Times, the online resource for all progressive news is going through lots of progress! Kudos to the team over at #the-progressive-times
  • CodeCorps is nearing a huge milestone! If you know Elixir, we want you. Please reach out to Josh (@joshsmith) or go to #code-corps
  • GrassrootsPB is planning to make an autodialer! Join their ideation and planning process over at #grassrootspb
  • Are you going to RootsCamp? If so, go to the #rootscamp channel to chat and update when we’re there! I strongly encourage you to start a talk there!
  • New channels have sprouted! Rachel started #phone-your-rep which will provide resources on how exactly you can call your representatives. Devin and Joe has also started #integrated-app which aims to provide integration of apps for the progressive movement.
  • I may have missed a lot more! But join us in slack to be updated:

European Conference in Berlin

Last November 14, Vigie and Rapi went to Berlin to share how the volunteer tech innovations during the Bernie campaign happened. The event is a culmination of weeks of strategizing and planning, with coordination to all the application creators and core team members. In the end, the whole progressive alliances in Europe, from the Labour Party of the UK to the Social Democrats of Germany, now have a list of all the applications being made by the members and partners of our community.

(We will have a debriefing session early December. Stay tuned for the dates.)

Upcoming Events

Progressive Tech After Brexit ( Nov 18 • Fri 3p ET )40 minutes max. Listen to our panel from various groups sin Britain as they share their experience and how progressive tech was shaped after BREXIT. RSVP here (If you can’t join, please share this to your friends)

Progressive Coders Board Meeting (everyone welcome) ( Nov 21 • Mon 8:30p ET ) — Join the board as we talk about wide ranging topics regarding the Progressive Coders community. This is a public event, as we strive all our board meetings to be public and hold transparency highly. RSVP here

ProgCode On-boarding with Joe (Nov 22 • Tue 8:30 ET) — During the call we’ll provide a team overview, share our goals, strategy, plan, and team functions and needs, as well as make introductions, highlight experiences, and have an open discussion. RSVP here

In Solidarity,

Rapi Castillo



The Progressive Coder

Progressive Coders Network are non-partisan tech and non-tech activists building OS tools to empower the grassroots & reduce the influence of BIG$ in politics.