Progressive Coders On-boarding Call Tonight, and other updates

The Progressive Coder
2 min readOct 17, 2016


Whether you’re brand new to Progressive Coders Network or have been around for a while and want to learn more about the team, connect with your fellow community members, and learn how you can get involved, please stop on by the on-boarding call. During the call we’ll provide a team overview, share our goals, strategy, plan, and team functions and needs, as well as make introductions, highlight experiences, and have an open Q&A.

For questions in advance, please post in #progcode-discussions or send @joepbreslin a message.

RSVP for tonight’s On-boarding call with Joe @ 8:30p ET!

More updates:

  • We will be sending out volunteer requests on Wednesday. We have been talking to team leaders and creators, learning a lot about what they need right now and how we as a community can help. If you are building a project, please feel free to reach out to us. We would love to know more how we can help you.
  • We are now in the initial stages in building a pair-programming community that will help teach folks how to code at the same time help build on the civic tech projects of our awesome app creators. Check out #progcode-core for updates.
  • Lastly, check out Colorado Care’s new advertisement! Ask @elijah for more information on how to help.

Thank you so much for being part of this community. We’re so humbled and excited to be working alongside you for a more progressive society.

In Solidarity,

Rapi Castillo



The Progressive Coder

Progressive Coders Network are non-partisan tech and non-tech activists building OS tools to empower the grassroots & reduce the influence of BIG$ in politics.