This Week @ ProgCode

Preston Long
The Progressive Coder
3 min readDec 12, 2016

The Network Update, Issue #02

Editor’s Note

“What the…?,” you’re asking. “Why is this my third weekly update in a week?” Never fear: going forward, you’ll only get one update a week — hopefully (though as you can see, not always) on a Sunday. Apologies for the inbox clutter, and thanks for your patience. In addition to info on this week’s happenings, we’re going to take a closer look at Social Roots and the community’s new #legal channel.

New, Amazing, & Happening Now:

New Channels

  • #womensmarch — started by @sgeofrank. In support of the Women’s March (Jan 21st) and their search for women partners who will coordinate with them on tech.
  • #bundle-kind — created by @rapi. Talk about the development of a site/app that helps users discover awesome non-profits in their area that matches their passion-issues.
  • #enviro-tech — created by @woobietuesday. Using tech to bridge the gap between hard science and environmental activism.
  • #onboarding — created by @dave_mahler. Brainstorm about ways to improve the onboarding experience.

New ProgCode Staff

@mhaggerty (Michael Haggerty) — helping drive volunteer onboarding and coordination in support of scaling efforts. Michael has a rich background in organizing grassroots technology, as far back as the Howard Dean campaign.

ProgCode Around the Web
ProgCode in Prague: @joepbreslin writes about last week’s conference.

This Week’s Events
See the official ProgCode calendar HERE.

Sunday, Dec. 11

  • Day 3: Debug Politics SF, continued

Monday, Dec. 12

  • PROGCODE BOARD MEETING: 8:30pm — RSVP Link. Check Slack for updated Zoom Link

Tuesday, Dec. 13

  • Onboarding call — led by community engagement team member Preston @ preston
  • Make a Diff: How to talk to family over the holidays: Fake News and Online Privacy -

Wednesday, Dec. 14 — N/A

Thursday, Dec. 15

  • Community Meeting — 8:30–9:15 after the 5–10 minute updates, we will have an open forum on Trust and Networks. RSVP
  • Coordinating call for onboarding team, 9pm. Join the onboarding team to get new members up to speed. Contact @ dave_mahler

Friday, Dec. 16 — N/A

Saturday, Dec. 17 — N/A

Featured Project

SocialRoots is creating campaign management software to help mobilize volunteers, activists and political campaigns. From the team that helped to build and the tools that ignited the Facebanking phenomenon like the Bernie Friend Finder, the focus is always on digital social networks and enabling full grassroots participation in the political process. SocialRoots includes campaign management capabilities, facebanking tools, and team collaboration features, significantly lowering the cost of organizing a group around an issue or running a campaign. The team is most in need of React developers. Please contact @Turtletheturtle on Slack to get involved.

Community Highlights

One challenge many activist groups have faced is architecting their legal corporate structure for their internal organization. Last week, @desmondjones created #legal, where members of the ProgCode community are discussing their visions for how ProgCode might best achieve our organizational objectives. Please feel free to join the discussion to help shape ProgCode’s future.

Get Involved: Urgent Needs from the Network

A more complete listing can be found in our #jobs-and-vols channel.

  • Represent is looking for python/django with data-science and api experience; react frontend; and ux volunteers; please contact @eddowling
  • #brandnewcongress is looking for research help. They’re currently researching incumbents to better target their national-slate congressional campaign strategy. Please contact @h_zink for more info.
  • Ceci Hall from #WomensMarch is looking for a webmaster that will help maintain Contact @ceci
  • ProgCode needs web devs to help us with our site build! Please contact @danodemo with samples. We anticipate this project will be fairly low-weight, but are seeking someone with experience who can help us get the job done!

Motivation & Inspiration

