Modern-Day Diplomacy

But I Digress
The Progressive Poet
1 min readJul 3, 2018

She said what?!? That’s crazy, man!
Kick her out, right on her can!

Someone else, who’s on my side,
said the same? I let it slide?

Must have been a different take,
slip of tongue, honest mistake.

Context must have played a part.
My guy would have been too smart.

What she said was so much worse,
unprovoked attack and curse.

They go low and we go high.
Pretty words that don’t apply.

’Sides, mine spoke the truth, you know.
Bitter pill you can’t swallow.

You’re just being sensitive.
Bygones friend, just live let live.

PC snowflake, don’t get mad.
Yours was every bit as bad.

In defending her, I see
typical hypocrisy.



But I Digress
The Progressive Poet

I write rants and miscellaneous musings no one reads. Politically progressive pacifist (try saying that five times fast)