To Defeat Trump, Register Your Friends and Family to Vote — Now

A step-by-step process for making sure no voters fall through the cracks.

Karin Tamerius
Progressively Speaking


Photo by annie bolin on Unsplash

You’re registered to vote. Now the most important thing you can do is make sure your personal network is registered too.

Every election, we are told to register to vote, and with good reason: in a country with one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the world, voter registration is a major driver of election outcomes.

But registering yourself is not enough. You also need to make sure your friends and family get registered. Why? Because if they think like you, their votes will amplify your voice and increase the likelihood that Donald Trump and his enablers in Congress are removed from office.

It’s especially important to do this now — during the pandemic — because organizations dedicated to voter registration are having a much harder time doing their work. Most of the time these groups find unregistered voters at public events or by standing on street corners and that’s no longer feasible. Now more than ever it’s up to us individually to reach out to the people we know to make sure they’re registered.



Karin Tamerius
Progressively Speaking

Political psychiatrist | Pragmatic progressive | Smart Politics founder ( | Speaker