Voting Isn’t Enough: How to Get Your Friends and Family to Take Action

Three tips for activating Democrats in your personal network.

Karin Tamerius
Progressively Speaking


Source: Sue Boudreau (reprinted with permission)

A major goal of relational organizing is getting committed voters to do more.

Lately I’ve seen a meme making the rounds on social media. It’s worded in a variety of ways and attributed to different people, but the gist is always the same:

“If you’ve ever wondered what you would’ve done during slavery, the Holocaust, or the Civil Rights Movement, you’re doing it right now.”

It hurts each time I see it because I know so many folks who fall into this category: Good people who understand what’s happening in this country, but who aren’t planning to do much more than vote against Trump in November.

This is problematic because we’re in an “all hands on deck” moment in American history. The stakes are too high and the situation too precarious to leave any potential recruits or resources behind. If you’re an active citizen who knows folks like this, your first order of business this summer is to inspire them to get more involved.

Here’s how:

1. Juice their motivation



Karin Tamerius
Progressively Speaking

Political psychiatrist | Pragmatic progressive | Smart Politics founder ( | Speaker