White Progressive Panic is a Privilege America Can’t Afford

To defeat Trump — and racism — be calm, think clearly, and act strategically.

Dr. David Campt
Progressively Speaking


A modified excerpt from Compassion Transforms Contempt: A Black Dialogue Expert’s Advice for White Progressives on Down-revving Anger, Creating Connections, and Maybe Changing the World.

In my workshops, I meet many aspiring white allies who are so distressed by racially problematic remarks and behavior that they’re unable to respond effectively. Some become overly confrontational while others completely disengage for fear of disrupting valued relationships. Neither of these responses helps dismantle racism.

Hearing aspiring allies talk about how overwrought they become when confronted with the racism of their white peers used to baffle and irritate me. I’d think, what do you mean you can’t control your reactions? What do you mean you can’t handle the stress of confronting racism? You’re not the victims here — people of color are! Stop freaking out and get to work!

Over time, however, I’ve gradually come to terms with the tears and indignation of white progressives. I’ve realized that 1) people are doing the best they can, 2) some of what happens is that people are demonstrating the outrage they think people of color want them to display…



Dr. David Campt
Progressively Speaking

dialogue maven, civic engagement enthusiast, race relations expert, host of radio/podcast series