Worried About Unvaccinated Loved Ones?

The scientifically-proven method you’re probably not using.

Karin Tamerius
Progressively Speaking


Photo by Ivan Diaz on Unsplash

Do you have a loved one who’s reluctant to get vaccinated? Are they ignoring your arguments and evidence? Are you feeling hopeless about protecting them and others from COVID?

Don’t despair. You can still help your vaccine hesitant friends and family.

Medical science made the Covid-19 vaccination possible, but social science holds the key to getting people to use it.

The most effective way to encourage your loved ones to get vaccinated is with motivational interviewing, an evidence-based, guided approach to decision-making that doctors, nurses, and therapists have used for decades to help people make healthier choices — choices like stopping smoking or drinking, exercising more, and getting immunized. And you can learn how to do it too.

The downside

That’s the encouraging news. Now here’s the part you may not want to hear:

No matter what approach you use, you can’t change your loved one’s mind about vaccination.

It’s frustrating and it sucks, but it’s true.

You don’t have the power to change someone else’s mind. You’re not a brain surgeon or cult leader or…



Karin Tamerius
Progressively Speaking

Political psychiatrist | Pragmatic progressive | Smart Politics founder (JoinSmart.org) | Speaker