Morland UK Case Study — Sarah Willcocks | ScandiPWA Spring Meetup

Progressive Web Apps
4 min readMay 25, 2021

Sarah Wilcocks — Owner and CEO at Screen Pages Ltd

I’m going to talk to you a little bit about how we have worked with ScandiPWA for a British Manufacturer called Morland UK.

The project is not live yet, but obviously, we wanted to develop a project that would work across all platforms and all devices, irrespective of connectivity. That was one of the customer’s key requirements.

The client was looking for a solution that would allow them to service their trade customers online, as well as the end consumers, so these are people who want to actually do up their own caravans, etc. When they came to us we decided that the best possible solution for them to address their business requirements was Magento Commerce Cloud with a ScandiPWA front end.

Project goals

Mobile-first approach

Over 50% of their traffic from consumers was coming from mobile devices. But increasingly their trade customers were also wanting to actually use mobile devices to access the products and services on their website.

Consistent shopping experience

One platform should be able to deliver a consistent shopping experience, irrespective of whether their customer had iPhones, Samsung devices, Huawei devices, or any kind of Android device. The client wanted one solution that fits all, including desktop as well and tablets.


It was a major requirement for them, irrespective of connectivity. And that is one of the reasons why we suggested a progressive web app solution to them because it is in our view the most reliable way of delivering a fast user experience, irrespective of connectivity.

B2B and B2C e-commerce

B2B and B2C e-commerce from one platform was required because they have a relatively small internal e-commerce team; thus, they wanted to have one admin panel and one back office to manage.


The client required the site to be multi-currency and multi-domain.

Complex pricing and product configuration support

The client has some very complicated pricing and product configuration requirements, which not a lot of e-commerce platforms or PWA platforms can cater for.


To give you an idea of the timelines for the project, I would say we kicked it off in January. We had several months of defining the requirements and the designs. The development started in March. We will complete the development of the site by September.

It is a very large project, that is why it is taking so long, with very complicated requirements. In September we will conduct the quality assurance phase of the project, which is where we do the end-to-end testing. We will then train the client on how to use the site and manage it. They will conduct their user acceptance testing once they have been trained, and we plan to set the site live in November.

PWA benefits

  • PWAs take advantage of the features that the mobile phone operating platforms have to offer. They load faster and are more responsive.
  • They work more intuitively, they can operate partially or fully offline.
  • They offer extra features that you get with apps like push notifications.
  • You can add them to your home screen on a mobile device, just like you would an app.
  • They transfer the workload to the device, instead of relying on the web server, which is part of the reason why you can have a good end-user experience, irrespective of connectivity.
  • They are search engine friendly, and also they are linkable, so it retains its state when the user bookmarks or shares a URL.

Reasons to choose ScandiPWA as your PWA theme

So why ScandiPWA? There are lots of different platforms out there, and as an agency, we like to work with the best. We evaluated quite a few of them decided that for this particular merchant ScandiPWA was the best fit.

The main reasons:

  1. Extensive support for out-of-the-box Magento features (over 54), both B2C and B2B e-commerce;
  2. The integration of the admin interface, so it’s easy for merchants to actually manage the contents;
  3. Wide community support for ScandiPWA as a platform;
  4. Simple to install;
  5. Runs very well in the Magento Commerce Cloud;
  6. Requires less customization if the upgrade to the next release is needed.


PWA in our view brings together the best of website and mobile app functionality so that you can deliver a reliable, fast, and engaging experience, that increases conversion rates, sometimes by upwards of 50% across websites. Speed and usability are the main benefits that consumers are seeing when shopping using PWA.

So if you’re considering a new website, then we would definitely recommend doing it as a PWA. It will be more future proof and easier for you to meet Google’s Core Web Vitals, and therefore perform well in search engines. It will allow you as a merchant to be more agile and deliver solutions faster to market.

And ScandiPWA in particular, if you’re working with Magento is an excellent fit and we would thoroughly recommend it. Get ScandiPWA right now. ScandiPWA is a free and open-source PWA theme for Magento. You can learn more about it on its official website

ScandiPWA is a free and open-source PWA theme for Magento —

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