Revolution in e-commerce with ScandiPWA — Ali Arsalan | ScandiPWA Spring Meetup

Progressive Web Apps
2 min readMay 27, 2021

Ali Arsalan — Full Stack Developer at Aatech

Let me start with the difficulties we are facing with the e-commerce website on Magento or any other platform. It’s basically the speed and the time taking to load for the clients.

The basic issue that Magento gives us is the speed due to the slow Magento site. We are unable to get what the client is looking for. We were planning to change the Magento front-end to Vue, but it is quite difficult to deploy it and we need more resources to work with it. We were looking for some other solution which is easy to implement and easy to customize, as the customer was frustrated with speed issue, downtime and increasing bounce rate.

We found the solution in Scandi. It took us almost three months with some custom modules back-end work, reward points, and payment gateways which are totally customized.

Why ScandiPWA?

  1. Provides responsive experience and fast loading even on slow networks;
  2. Caches content to ensure that some content can be loaded offline;
  3. Easy to set up;
  4. Save 80% of costs.


We see this increase in sales. Also, clients are happy with the speed; the product page and the catalog page load fast and it is easy to filter the products. People would play around with the speed and the switch from one product to another product easily, and they can navigate easily to our website. They can also search sorted lists.

Customers can check out within two minutes. So that’s a really great thing that we are we are monitoring on our end.

Future projects

Currently, we are working on a couple of more projects, one of which is a fashion brand. It is a really big name in our country. We are close to launching it also on ScandiPWA. They have a huge traffic of 25 to 50-plus-k consumers daily. I think they will also get out from the Magento slow front-end and get the Scandi speedy front end, which can help to increase their order ratio and conversion. They are also happy with the new features which we have included in that.

After that, we are also looking forward to building an electronics store which is built on ScandiPWA with a new option that is the partial payment option, where the customer can easily buy products on installments. That is what we are working on.

You can get ScandiPWA as well. ScandiPWA is a free and open-source PWA theme for Magento. You can learn more about it on its official website

ScandiPWA is a free and open-source PWA theme for Magento —

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