How do Electric Batteries work

Isha Hans
Project 2 for CD Studio
1 min readNov 5, 2019

Visualizing abstract concepts

Imagine you are a CMU Design graduate student and have a submission the following day. You probably had a sleepless night and were glued to your computer screen for hours. You heavily rely on Apple, Beats and Logitech to make your work easier because they allow you to work in new ways. Without them, you’d either be anchored to a power outlet or working with just pen and paper. All these electronic devices contain little magic components called batteries. But what are these ingenious things called batteries?

Batteries provide portable energy to electrical devices, whenever and wherever required. From Apple and Beats to Toyotas and Teslas, the modern world is dependent on these. Let’s take a look at they work.



Isha Hans
Project 2 for CD Studio

Research-driven Designer, Thinker and Strategist with Entrepreneurship skills —