What Makes Project 2030 Different?

There are hundreds — even thousands — of ‘save the planet’ initiatives. Here’s what makes Project 2030 different.

Michael Haupt
Project 2030
2 min readSep 11, 2017


We have identified specific, crucial ways that we differ from most of the other well-intentioned efforts at social change (and we have studied many):

  1. Whole System Transformation. We accept that crucial elements of the existing systems are failing, and we do not seek to individually revitalize them. We recognize the power of entrenched interests, inertia, and ignorance to thwart such change. Instead, we seek something more fundamental, wholly apart from piecemeal change. We seek a complete system reboot.
  2. Parallelism. We do not seek revolution within the existing system. Instead, we will build a new, separate and parallel “system of systems” alongside the existing ones, borrowing what works and developing replacements for that which does not work. It will at first be virtual; later, a physical model society.
  3. Dynamic Mix of Big and Small. Some think that planetary problems can only be addressed by dominating world conversations. Others think that we must find the sacred in the small and ordinary. In our view, the challenge is to simultaneously uphold certain values that may seem paradoxical. We will align the mighty and cherish the delicate.
  4. Non-utopianism. We define utopianism as the pursuit of a static vision of perfection. Regarding perfection as both worthy of upholding as an ideal and yet never attainable, we instead pursue continuous improvement. We have ideals, which will be consensually and explicitly defined as the Charter of a new model society. Culture, regulations and laws will flow from that Charter.
  5. Methodology. Most crucially, we note that very few — if any — movements for social change have provided a detailed, evolutionary, self-correcting plan to transition from today’s dysfunctionality to a better system. Using effective understandings from systems thinking, science and technology, we will.


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