What’s Happened to Project 2030?

A Personal Update

Michael Haupt
Project 2030
3 min readMar 8, 2020


I haven’t published much on Medium since starting the Society 4.0, Project 2030 and Postcards from 2035 publications three years ago. I’ve been asked by a number of people what’s happening, so here’s a quick personal update.

You might not know this, but I started writing on Medium during a very low — almost suicidal — point in my life. Like you, I could see how bad things were on the planet and yet I simply couldn’t see a way through our numerous predicaments. Publishing on Medium was a way to avoid the constant thoughts of simply ending my life rather than trying to DO something. Sad, I know.

What I didn’t know is that the writing would become an attractor of sorts. All kinds of people doing really interesting projects started reaching out to me. Through my contacts in the blockchain world I was introduced to even more interesting projects currently underway. What all these engagements showed me is that there is a HUGE movement forming who believe the following to be true:

  • We are in the greatest transition time humanity has ever experienced.
  • The outcome is unclear, but could take one of 3 paths: a) civilisational collapse and extinction, b) incremental evolution (business as usual with slight improvements), or c) civilisational transformation.
  • Top-down methods of decision-making and governance are entirely incapable of coping with the complexities humanity now faces, making civilisational collapse the more likely outcome if we continue with business as usual.
  • Many of the oldest living (indigenous) cultures have faced their own extinction events and have survived the collapse of empires over thousands of years and therefore may provide important clues in how western civilisation could avoid extinction.
  • Accordingly, applying time-tested indigenous wisdom and methods at scale, using the latest technological advancements available — consciously, courageously and meticulously — is the best chance we have for civilisational transformation. (Doing so would also fulfil the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor.)
  • Indigenous methods of dealing with complexity include: Creation Songs, Music, Dance, Storytelling, Ceremony, Visioning, Dreaming, Rites of Passage & Initiation, Collective Leadership, Co-Creative Partnership, and Wisdom Councils.
  • Consciously and intentionally combining indigenous methods and principles with the best scientific, systemic, educational, and entrepreneurial knowledge currently available makes possible a Third Way, which is neither ‘technologically superior’ nor ‘indigenous’.

And so that’s what I’m doing now: exploring an exciting Third Way option we’re calling the Tipping Point System: a conscious 10-year strategy for personal, collective, and civilizational transformation.

How Can You Get Involved?

What we have found is that trying to explain a necessarily complex strategy in writing tends to lose people — we’re all too distracted by the chaos going on around us. What works more effectively is intimate, live, online gatherings where we explore possible futures with others.

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

There are two upcoming gatherings which — if you’re in any way concerned about the human condition — I highly recommend you attend:

  1. Monday, March 9th @ 10:00 PST: Music4Change. Join this 1-hour interactive online webinar, to explore how music can change people and our world. Find out more.
  2. Monday, March 16th @ 10:00 PST: Conscious Leadership for Times of Transition. A 1-hour interactive online webinar, to explore what it takes to lead through uncertainty. Find out more.

I hope you’ll be able to join me on one or both of these webinars.

