Afghanistan: The End of an Era?

(A Twitter thread by @helenacobban)

Helena Cobban
Project 500 Years
4 min readAug 19, 2021


Can we say that what is happening in #Afghanistan is the #EndOfAnEra? Yes, in many different ways… (thread) >

First, it’s the end of this 20-year era in US/world politics bracketed by 2 searing, much-photographed incidents that each involved (a) airplanes & (b) desperate people falling out of the sky. >

So we can say it’s the end of this era of the US’s attempt to invade & then completely control/remake #Afghanistan. Many Americans (solipsistic, as usual) compare this solely to #Vietnam1975. However, >

The chaotic nature of the US departure from #Afghanistan has a *lot* in common with numerous previous imperial/colonial collapses since 1947, including >

#France leaving #Algeria, #Portugal leaving Angola, Batista leaving #Cuba, etc… (Read about Angola here.)

> One thing that’s distinct about today’s #ImperialCollapse episode is the breathtaking hubris of Americans thinking they could remake a country not only distant but also landlocked! So when the attempt fails >

>They’re forced to try to get everyone (Americans, their native informants, etc) out *by air*. I realize the whole thing is absolutely tragic but as I’ve noted before >

The endings of #WesternEmpires involve a lot of violence/suffering, but so too do (a) creating the empire and (b) maintaining it. The only one of these variables that can be substantially altered is the *period during which empire is maintained*. Needs to be as short as poss! >

We can say that what’s happening in #Afghanistan is the end of the 20-year era of US in Afghanistan (and derivative violence-based sociopathies like the invasion of #Iraq) but we can also hope >

that it’s the end of the era of the unraveling of #WesternImperialism in general, which has continued since 1947. And thus, that it might also be the end of the 606-year era of #WesternImperialism itself. >

As I say, that’s still a hope, though its realization depends on all of us, including people who identify as “White”, understanding the essentially violent nature of #WesternImperialism since its dawn in 1415 CE, and *choosing* to build a a saner, anti-racist world. >

Growing up in England in the 1950s/60s, I was mis-taught history *so badly*. We just imbibed the idea that “Western values” were moral and wonderful. “Sir” Francis Drake & “Sir” Walter Raleigh were portrayed as great heroes, “explorers”, etc >

When in truth they were brutal, for-hire pirates who contracted to Queen Elizabeth to plunder on her behalf & thus built the “English Empire”. We were taught about all the amazing (European) “explorers” who “discovered” different sea-routes & peoples around the world, but >

we were never taught that #Columbus, #Magellan, #DaGama, & the rest of them were involved in brutal wars of aggression built on plunder, enslavement, broad use of demonstrative violence (“shock & awe”), rape, etc. >

Those men & the investors & “royal” political leaders who organized their voyages were the people who built the global power of “the West”. Its values? >

… were a reliance on #NavalGunnery to impose their wills on distant people, & a rampant “Christian” supremacism that mandated the seizure & use of all the resources (inc. human resources) of non-Christian lands & the conversion of all non-Christians (by force if necessary) >

Those mandates came from the edict “Dum Diversas” issued by Pope Nicholas V in 1452. The Portuguese & later the Spanish considered them binding. The English, Dutch, & French, who came a bit later, had their own interpretations but kept the core ideas of #ChristianSupremacy >

> which over time got changed to #WhiteSupremacy, & later still put on a sort of liberal-ish veneer. (“We act as we do for the good of the whole world because we’re so smart”, “White Man’s Burden”, etc.) But still >

The core institutions (UN, WTO, World Bank, IMF) created by the Americans in & after 1945 still embody the lingering values of #WhiteSupremacy. Why do 4 “White” nations have veto powers at the UN? Why do US & EU always run the financial institutns? >

& how come no internat’l institution has ever held the West European nations or their settler-colonial offspring (US, Australia, etc) responsible in any way for the genocides, brutalities, slaveries, economic wrecking, etc they’ve inflicted on the world? >

How come the US is able to cripple the economies of #Iran, #Cuba, #Nicaragua, #Palestine, #Lebanon, at will and the “international community” does nothing to stop it?? How come George W Bush & Tony Blair will never see the inside of a jail cell for the wars they launched? >

This is because the “West”, these countries that “represent” (v. imperfectly) the interests of only a small portion of global humanity, still controls all relevant “global” institutions. So to build the post-West world that’s needed we have a lot of work to do >

and this work certainly involves re-educating as many “Westerners” as we can about the colossal harm our governments have inflicted on the world in the past 606 years… & until today. >

So yes, we can say that what’s unfolding in #Afghanistan is the #EndOfAnEra. But what era do we want it to be an end of?

British Empire map, c. 1900 CE

Originally published at



Helena Cobban
Project 500 Years

Veteran analyst of global affairs, w/ some focus on West Asia. Pres., Just World Educational. Writes at