All Eyes on Migle

Project A
Project A Insights
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2019

Migle Maciunaite is a Marketing Designer at Project A. In this interview, we talk about her team, exciting projects and why Knowledge Sharing is her favorite Project A value.

How would you describe working in our Marketing team?

It’s always changing and this makes it really interesting. I am constantly learning from my brilliant colleagues — they are truly experts in their field and I am happy to be working in such a knowledgeable team. The marketing industry is an ever-changing field, there are new tools popping up and the industry standards are changing quite rapidly — therefore the team has to have the ability to adapt and I think we are doing that very well and always try new things out.

What’s the difference between a Marketing Designer and a UX/UI Designer or Visual Designer?

Honestly, I don’t think that there is a lot of difference between designers — we all still have a mind of a designer, we design solutions that solve problems. The only difference is specialization, tools, and techniques. The UX/UI designer will focus more on the experience and usability of the product so that the customer can easily use the product and have a good experience doing it. Marketing designers will focus on creating the visual assets that will be the most relevant to the existing customer or that will generate leads and new customers to use that product. A visual designer is someone that has an understanding of both UI and graphic design and is able to tie the design through different platforms consistently and make customers experience seamless. At the end of the day, we all focus on the customer — just in a different part of their journey.

What is unique about the Marketing team at Project A?

I think the best part about our team is that we made an environment that feels like home — we listen to each other, share ideas and always try to help each other. And it’s also a very fun team — we like to see people smile :)

What was the most exciting project you worked on so far?

Funny enough, the project I was excited about the most was the very first one I got to work on when I just joined Project A. It was for our portfolio company Lampenwelt, we were working on getting a younger customer audience and created campaigns for social media. During this project, I got to experiment a lot with different video and photo format ads. I really love interior design, so it didn’t bother me that for a few weeks I was dreaming lamps and would start noticing products from Lampenwelt in all the places where I went.

How does a typical day at Project A look like?

I’m not sure if I have a typical day at Project A, because I always get to work on different projects and tasks. I start my day rather similar though, in the mornings, I check my email, slack and project management tools like trello or asana (depends on which one the venture is using) and see if there are new urgent tasks to do or questions to answer. Then I continue my day working on various designs or video content for different portfolio companies, have meetings and when I have free time I work on additional projects — for example, I started a public speaking workshop for our employees. I’m also supporting interested colleagues in giving workshops about design and focus a lot of time on diversity projects — as that is our company-wide OKR this half a year.

What is your favorite Project A value?

My favorite value is “Knowledge Sharing”. It’s something that I personally like to do — to share ideas and knowledge but also to have every opportunity to learn as much as I can. I’m very curious to know how other departments in our company works and what do people do and we have the opportunity to find that out through our Brown Bag Lunch sessions, our PAK Con, various meetups organized at Project A and just by grabbing lunch and talking with my colleagues. The same reason is also why I like Berlin, every single night you can find so many different networking events on various topics and listen to a presentation or a panel discussion. I usually try to go to 1–2 events each week.

What is a secret nobody knows so far?

I’m an open book — ask me anything :)

Thank you for answering our questions, Migle!

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Project A
Project A Insights

Project A is the Operational VC from Berlin in the early-stage digital technology space — 140 experts empowering tomorrow’s digital winners.