Make online workshops great again

Sam Cash
Project A Insights
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2021


We’re delighted to have led Butter’s seed round, who are making online workshops better than in-person. We’re joined in this round by Johannes Schildt (KRY), Des Traynor (Intercom), Phil and Andy (, Mads Fosselius (Dixa), Futuristic VC, Neil Murray amongst others.

The transition to remote work accelerated dramatically. Unfortunately, our way of undertaking high consequence meetings has not changed. It’s never been more important for teams to be able to coordinate, learn and make high-quality decisions via video, yet the tools to do so are still lacking. We’ve all felt what it’s like to be disengaged on a video call while someone talks (guilty!).

Butter is solving this by being laser-focused on online video workshops, be it design sprints, strategy or internal training sessions. Meetings where participant engagement is key, learning and decisions are critical.

The butter platform

They’re doing this by focusing on both the workshop facilitators and the attendees, two distinct personas with different needs. Butter’s increasingly rich features allow facilitators to plan before and after the session, and pulls all tooling directly into one application. Facilitators no longer have to fiddle with a multitude of external tools (7+ on average), switching between context and pulling together disparate sources to present outcomes and results. They now have the tools at their fingertips to keep participants excited, engaged — ultimately leading to better outcomes.

Why we invested in butter

It’s our belief that we’re going to see an emergence of meeting facilitators as a critical role within organisations. The ability to engage an audience, hold court and drive results in video meetings is an emerging skill set. Butter has built a unique, joyful product in order to showcase these individuals and their skills.

Additionally, we believe that Butter will expand the market for workshops and ultimately high consequence meetings, as facilitators and consultants can now work with colleagues and customers globally instead of being limited by physicality.

It’s very early days but growth is exploding, a number of global enterprises are already using it and the customer love is there for all to see:

We’re delighted to be working with Jakob Knutzen, Chris and all the team as they look to reinject joy, engagement and ultimately better outcomes back into online meetings.

If you want to join a bold, ambitious, remote team with a unique culture, see Butter’s current open positions here.

Meet the butter team: Christopher Holm-Hansen, Jakob Knutzen and Adam Wan

