Spryker: Target Group and License Model
We get a lot of positive feedback on our new venture Spryker. Since people wanted to know more about its target group and license model, I decided to dedicate another post to this project. There have been some discussions on whether Spryker is open source or not, and people seem to be uncertain about whether Spryker is the right solution for their business. Due to this information demand, I’ll take the opportunity to shed some light on these subjects.
Spryker Target Group
Spryker is a customizable and scalable commerce framework for companies which are successful in their market segment. Spryker provides a modern architecture and ships with a set of reference implementations for the most common use cases. It especially aims to produce relief for companies which suffer from legacy systems, outdated technologies, and interminable product backlogs. Spryker Systems is based on our field-tested e-commerce platform Yves & Zed and thus draws upon the rich source of Project A’s experience in the field of online commerce. For this reason we deem Spryker a perfect upgrade for legacy systems and the right solution for greenfield projects; especially for companies that need cutting edge technology for their business models in order to drive future growth.
If you’re a rather small merchant, let’s say below 100 orders per day, we recommend Shopware. It’s reasonable in price, powerful, and strongly supported by its community. If Shopware is too expensive for your business, we recommend taking a look at our portfolio company Tictail. It provides a free out of the box solution for retailers who want to create an online store but have no experience in coding and web-design.
If you are an old-economy offline giant and an onlineshop is more like a side project, you better get in touch with SAP, IBM, or, if SaaS is an option for you, Demandware.
Spryker License Model
To prevent misconceptions: At its core, Spryker is a commercial offer. Though, we might release some of its parts as open source. Despite the fact that we strongly believe in open source, it’s simply not the right business model for Spryker. We don’t target a mass market of small retailers. Instead, we focus on cooperating with high-class IT agencies in order to ensure excellent performance for our target group. Since each business model has its unique characteristics and demands, a custom solution on an individual pricing basis will be implemented. From a technological perspective, we can only succeed if we ensure a permanent, intensive, and reliable development on a high-end level while employing the best developers to be found in the market. In order to do so, we rely on license revenues to pay their salaries; it’s as simple as that.