Why we invested in Dixa

Andreas Helbig
Project A Insights
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2019

Dixa is an amazing SaaS company from Copenhagen that Project A has just invested in. They have built a truly channel-neutral customer service platform — a software that makes it easy to deal with all sorts of customer requests, regardless of whether the customer chooses to contact the company via phone, e-mail, website chat or Facebook Messenger. All channels are covered in one tool and customer service managers can set up intelligent request routings easily, allowing the agents to have engaging and personal conversations with their customers.

We are very happy to work with the team around Mads & Jacob who have built a superior product, a unique company culture and have achieved important milestones rapidly — Dixa is a fantastisk & hurtigtvoksende company! 🇩🇰

Macro trend — the customer friendship platform 👭

If you have listened to one of the innumerable podcasts of our partner Florian Heinemann, you might know this already: Retaining customers gets increasingly important for businesses. In a world where access to new customers is more and more dominated by a few key players (GAFA), customer acquisition cost are structurally rising. Therefore, all things around Customer Relationship Management are increasing in relevance — and customer support integral here: There are only very few key moments that can make a customer loyal — and how she is being treated by the company when a question is asked determines the future of the customer relationship. You can either treat the customer request like an unwanted distraction that costs money — or you can treat customers like friends: They should decide how they want to contact the company and it’s imperative that the agent has all the necessary information to deal with their request properly. Dixa facilitates this for the agent and is the foundation of the future friendship between the company and the customer — Dixa is the Customer Friendship Platform.

Truly differentiated — an emperor amongst kings🤴

In full honesty — when we first looked at the opportunity, this was our initial reaction: There is an abundance of customer service software tools out there. In the tech world, we know Zendesk, Salesforce, Drift and Intercom — in more mature industries, we have Avaya or Genesys. The market seemed penetrated and the window of opportunity closed. But when we were diving deeper into the industry landscape, it felt like an eye-opening experience: All the existing players have a bias towards a specific channel and are only “kings” in their respective fields. Let’s take Zendesk as the “e-mail/ticketing king”: The vast majority of Zendesk clients is not using their phone solution and even if they are, they would need to manage the different tools separately. Therefore, in reality, companies are using several tools — by the same or different vendors — to deal with the complexity of customer service requests across channels. Alternatively, they are shutting down channels, making it impossible for customers to, for example, call them when they want to. With Dixa, all channels are covered and the experience for both agent and user is seamless and superior: Dixa emerges like an emperor amongst channel kings with the potential to reign over an entire industry (yes, we’re aware that we might have overstretched this metaphor here).

Insane growth — and happy customers 📈

The growth of Dixa is mind-blowing — they grew their revenue by over 500% in 2018 (and for all fellow nitpicky investors reading this: This is not a growth from 100€ to 600€, they are at sliiiightly higher revenue numbers :) ). What Mads, Jacob and his team have achieved in such a short timeframe is amazing and truly beyond product-market-fit. Dixa has customers from all across the globe and from diverse verticals — having a stronghold amongst B2C companies in the Nordics, but rapidly expanding. And the customers are happy — amazed by the usability, the fast setup, the various integrations and the adaptability of the software. Dixa definitely fits the narrative of the consumerization of enterprise SaaS, delivering a superior user experience to both agents and their managers.

Amazing team — with unique ideas 💡

Mads has assembled an incredible bunch of people with experience from the biggest names of the Danish startup scene. He knows the industry in and out, having sold his former company to TDC, the leading Danish telco. After every interaction that we had, we left convinced that he is exactly the right person in the right place. We found it especially exciting that the management team finds unique ways to push the company forward: Like through Dixa Connect, a conference where customers are sharing their best practices or through the Dixa Draft Days where the best sales talent is recruited. No wonder that Mads & Jacob were named the Entrepreneurs of the Year in Denmark by EY — this is very well deserved and will only be the start of their journey. Also, we’re happy that they don’t do investor draft days yet. :)

We’re looking forward to the next years with Dixa and are glad to become a small part of the Dixa family — joining SEED Capital, Preben Damgaard & Lars Thinggaard. Let’s help companies to turn their customers into their friends!



Andreas Helbig
Project A Insights

VC @atomico — covering the Nordics and / or B2B. Football fan, skier, engineer, ex @ProjectACom , @KITKarlsruhe alumn